Developing people and skills – ESRC

Postgraduate training and development

Funding for postgraduate training and development

There is a range of support available for students in the field of social science research

Doctoral Training Partnerships

We fund Doctoral Training Partnerships which cover the full range of the social sciences

Centres for Doctoral Training

Two Centres for Doctoral Training provide training in focused, thematic interdisciplinary research areas

Training and development

Find out more about how you can develop your research career in the social sciences

Review of the PhD in the social sciences

Read about ESRC's review of the social science PhD

Researcher development across the career life course

Early career researchers

Find out more about our support for early career researchers

Research leadership in the social sciences

How we are developing leadership capacity in the social sciences

Data-driven research skills

How we support researchers to develop data-driven research skills

New investigator grant

Grant for early career researchers' transition to research independence

Postdoctoral fellowships

Annual scheme for applicants with less than 12 months’ postdoctoral experience

Developing research skills in the social sciences

Developing a new approach to support the delivery of and access to research skills training.

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.