Hannah Shaw

Video credit: UK Research and Innovation
Video transcript and on-screen captions are available by watching on YouTube.

How do flies help us find cures for diseases? What can they tell us about humans?

Our presenter Zoe visits Hannah Shaw, a drosophila (fruit fly) technician who takes care of thousands of fruit flies. Zoe uncovers how these tiny but mighty insects help scientists understand sleep, our body clock and even Alzheimer’s disease.

In this video, Zoe steps into the shoes of a fly technician to see what the job is really like and finds out how Hannah’s fascinating career at The Crick Institute‬‬ began. ‬

Find out about the file facility at the Crick.

Watch how food for the flies is made on YouTube.

This is season three of 101 jobs that change the world, our series on the people and roles that make research and innovation.

Last updated: 12 February 2025

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