UKRI Research Organisation Consultation Group: member vacancies

Closing date
13 March 2025
Number of positions
Length of term
Four years
Time commitment
Three to four days per year

The Research Organisation Consultation Group (ROCG) provides UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) with insights and advice from a research and innovation management perspective on policies, processes and administrative arrangements associated with grants, fellowships and studentships.

As a member of the group, you will have the opportunity to feed into areas of strategic importance to UKRI.

You will draw on your knowledge, experience and networks, to ensure that UKRI is hearing feedback from the research organisation community.

Who we’re looking for?

We are seeking enthusiastic and committed people to join ROCG.

In your application you should evidence your abilities and potential in the following:

  • can you demonstrate substantive knowledge and breadth of experience of the policies, processes and administrative arrangements for grants and other funding types from a research organisation perspective
  • can you provide what experience you have of research or innovation strategy or policy development within your organisation and the ability to influence change
  • do you hold an understanding of the work and operations of UKRI (or other funders) including knowledge of the funding application processes and of managing awards
  • can you describe your ideas for how you would support two-way dialogue between UKRI and ROCG members, for example utilising networks within your organisation or regional, sector or other networks outside your organisation
  • can you describe your motivation to join ROCG and any ideas or constructive feedback you would provide to UKRI to make things better for the sector

It is important that ROCG represents the broader research and innovation community that UKRI funds.

UKRI welcomes applications from small, medium and large UK based organisations from across the sector, including but not limited to:

  • universities
  • independent research organisations
  • research institutes
  • public sector research establishments

We have approximately 16 members on ROCG and have a rolling renewal of the membership twice a year, whereby approximately half of the panel spaces will be available.

What you’ll be doing

ROCG’s role is exceptionally important in linking UKRI and the research and innovation sector together.

It acts as a powerful tool to help UKRI achieve its vision.

Our vision is for an outstanding research and innovation system in the UK that gives everyone the opportunity to contribute and to benefit, enriching lives locally, nationally and internationally.

ROCG’s key objectives include:

  • promoting effective two-way communication between research organisations and UKRI, including acting as a conduit for information
  • providing UKRI with confidential advice from a research and innovation management and user perspective
  • acting as a sounding board, helping UKRI to develop effective strategy, policy and process
  • supporting UKRI to maximise the benefits of any proposed changes and advising of possible unintended consequences
  • raising awareness of issues within the sector to UKRI, to inform the evolution of policy and process
  • engaging with the wider research and innovation community to ensure that UKRI considers the regional impact of its strategy, policy and process

We hold three full day meetings a year, discussing a broad range of topics relating to research and innovation funding.

Meetings are typically held during March (virtual), July (in-person), and November (virtual).

ROCG membership does not attract honorarium payments, however travel and subsistence expenses will be reimbursed where appropriate in line with UKRI’s travel and subsistence policy.

Occasionally, we may also ask you attend short ad-hoc virtual meetings focusing on specific areas of strategic importance to UKRI.

UKRI may also consult with the group through email on a range of areas.

The role of ROCG members is to represent the sector, while drawing on the knowledge, skills and experience from their wider organisation and previous roles.

How to apply

Complete the application form on the UKRI Engagement Hub.

You should address the criteria in your application set out in the “Who we are looking for” section.

Your application must be supported by your employing organisation.

If your application is successful, you will be asked to provide a letter of endorsement from your director of research services, director of finance, or equivalent.

If you are already of that level, then your line manager should provide a letter of endorsement.

How we’ll assess your application

Applications will be assessed by a panel, based on the criteria set out in the “Who we are looking for” section.

ROCG also aims to achieve a balanced membership of geographical and research organisation type and therefore this may also be taken into account.

If you are successful, we will contact you by mid-May 2025.

New members will be invited to an induction meeting on 5 June 2025 (to be confirmed) and attend their first ROCG meeting on 10 July 2025 in Swindon.

Last updated: 14 February 2025

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