STFC Computing Advisory Board

Closing date
11 February 2025
Number of positions
12 to 15
Length of term
Three years
Time commitment
Three to four meetings per year, in person and via video conference
£170 per day for members

£230 per day for Chair

Travel and subsistence costs for in-person meetings when not provided in-kind

Outcomes communicated
March or April 2025

The Computing Advisory Board (CAB) will provide the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) with advice on the strategy and management of requirements for digital research infrastructure (DRI) activities. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • high performance and high throughput computing
  • data
  • skills
  • security
  • data network
  • people

These elements will support the STFC science and facilities programme.

We welcome applications from people with expertise in computational science and digital research infrastructures.

Who we’re looking for

We are looking for people with expertise in computational science and digital research infrastructures to join the CAB. Prior experience of working on similar panels is desirable, but not essential. All applicants must demonstrate they have suitable expertise.

A dynamic, diverse and inclusive CAB is critical to ensuring STFC gets the best strategic advice. Therefore, we particularly encourage applications from:

  • early careers academics
  • women
  • people from Black, Asian, and other ethnic minority backgrounds
  • LGBTQ+ individuals
  • people with disabilities
  • those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds
  • any other under-represented groups

What you’ll be doing

The CAB will advise the STFC Executive on the strategy and management of requirements for digital research infrastructure (DRI) activities and any related issues and opportunities. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • high performance and high throughput computing
  • data and data storage
  • skills
  • security
  • data network
  • people

These elements will support the STFC science and facilities programme.

The CAB will act as an ‘expert and critical friend’ to provide a link between both the STFC Particle Physics, Astronomy, and Nuclear Physics (PPAN) Science Board and the Facilities and Laboratories Science Board, while providing independent advice and reporting to STFC’s Executive Board around issues relating to DRI.

Areas the panel will advise STFC on include, but are not limited to:

  • the current status and potential future requirements of computing resources and data handling for the science communities and programmes supported by STFC
  • future potential strategies or plans to coordinate scientific computing provision across STFC, and coordinating DRI, e-infrastructure and high-performance Computing (HPC) developments across UKRI and other relevant national and international activities
  • the development of STFC’s requirements for next generation computing facilities working across UKRI as well as understanding international opportunities
  • opportunities and challenges to improve environmental sustainability of and within the DRI landscape
  • the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the context of the DRI portfolio, including AI and ML skills
  • priorities for funding to support the highest quality, high impact programmes
  • opportunities for dissemination and synergies with other programmes

Directors and leads of DRI or computing facilities funded by STFC may be invited to attend the open sessions of the meetings.

If you would like to apply to be the chair of the panel, please mention this in your application and specify why you would like to be the chair.

Read the handbook for members of STFC advisory bodies to find further details about:

  • terms of your appointment
  • our expectations of panel members
  • equality and diversity
  • conflicts of interest
  • confidentiality
  • our policy on travel, subsistence and remunerated meeting fees

Term and meetings

Membership will ideally begin early 2025. Members will serve for three years, with the possibility of extending for a further three years.

The panel will meet three to four times per year, depending on business requirements.

Meetings will usually be held over half a day and will alternate between being held virtually and in person (although virtual attendance is available for the in-person meeting if required).

Conflicts of interest

You should flag any potential conflicts of interest within your application. Often conflicts can be managed appropriately within meetings, and this is best achieved when we are aware of any potential conflict.

How to apply

To apply, complete the online survey on the UKRI Engagement Hub by 11 February 2025.

If you would like to read the application questions before applying, you can download a preview of the application form (PDF, 974KB).

How we’ll assess your application

Applications will be assessed by a selection panel made up of STFC representatives against the following selection criteria:

  • experience of delivering or using STFC’s (or closely related) DRI or managing or using similar infrastructures in the UK or internationally
  • knowledge of STFC’s remit and its computing requirements
  • knowledge of STFC’s strategy
  • ability to provide strategic advice to STFC on issues relating to the future direction of DRI or e-infrastructure within UKRI
  • understanding of direction of future trends in DRI both nationally and internationally

We are seeking a balanced set of skills across the membership, so we do not expect all applicants to be experts across all areas.

If you feel you have something to offer but are unsure about applying, contact Sarah Garlick ( or Cinzia Porcedda ( for a discussion.

Further information

Ask a question about the opportunity

Cinzia Porcedda, Head of Digital Research Infrastructures


Sarah Garlick, Senior Programme Manager


Last updated: 8 January 2025

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