NERC Future Leaders Council: member vacancies

Closing date
17 September 2024, 4:00pm UK time
Number of positions
Length of term
Two years
Time commitment
12 days per year
£200 per meeting and one day preparation
Interview date
12 November 2024
Outcomes communicated
Week commencing 18 November 2024

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) is looking for two new members from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences to join its Future Leaders Council (FLC).

You should:

  • have a strong desire to become a future board or committee member
  • be committed to investing your time to develop the knowledge and experience needed to become a future board or committee member
  • guide NERC on training, support and mentoring that may assist your development and ensure FLC is successful

You do not need substantive experience of sitting on the governing boards of large or significant institutions.

Who we’re looking for

We are seeking members from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences and from groups that are under-represented in the environmental science sector.

This includes people:

  • from disadvantaged backgrounds
  • who have had an unconventional career path
  • from business, including small and medium sized enterprises
  • from groups representing wider society
  • from other disciplines with a cross over to environmental science

We want FLC to be balanced with members from academic and non-academic backgrounds, bringing different experiences, contributions and perspectives to the group.

You need to demonstrate:

  • a passion for environmental science
  • that you are currently part of the environmental science sector, working within an organisation with a cross over to environmental science or working in an organisation focused on sustainability, digital or where the skills and insight are transferable
  • a willingness to learn about NERC operations including funding governance
  • the ability to solve problems by analysing information and thinking creatively
  • personal qualities that encourage an inclusive, collegial and safe environment such as teamwork, emotional intelligence, equanimity and being mindful of your impact
  • specialist knowledge in one of the following areas, digital transformation or sustainability (including supply chain sustainability, government experience, or both)
  • excellent written and verbal communication skills, including listening, constructive discussion and an ability to reach consensus
  • a commitment to inclusivity and diversity

What you’ll be doing

FLC advises NERC on the following areas:

  • digital
  • sustainability
  • public engagement
  • diversity and inclusion
  • wider strategic questions of the moment

Its responsibilities are to:

  • provide advice, or be available for consultation, on specific papers or policy areas being considered by NERC Council
  • oversee the development and implementation of NERC’s net zero pathway
  • provide advice on the implementation of NERC’s digital strategy and use of digital approaches across NERC’s portfolio
  • direct funding governance oversight of a £1.5 million sustainability themed funding line, including spend for diversity and inclusion enrichment activity, where FLC makes recommendations on programme spend to the NERC Executive
  • provide challenge and oversight of plans for delivery against the current NERC public engagement strategy and development of future public engagement strategies
  • act as NERC advocates within the community and beyond and share community perceptions and insight with NERC

Being a member will:

  • help you develop your insight into the way a complex funding institution is governed and led
  • enhance your knowledge of relevant issues by working alongside professionals from across NERC’s existing boards and committees
  • provide you with the opportunity to establish or grow your network with other businesses and sectors
  • help you develop a deeper understanding of board governance
  • help you build and cultivate your personal brand
  • enhance and expand your strategic thinking capabilities
  • provide you with the opportunity to travel across the UK

Time commitment

Members will ordinarily be appointed for a period of two years with an option to extend for one year (on the agreement of both NERC and the member).

Including meetings, preparation time and invitations to participate in other NERC activities on an ad hoc basis, it is expected that:

  • members commit five to 12 days per year, approximately a day per month
  • you must obtain approval from your employer for the time required for this role
  • members attend board meetings in person. These will be held in various locations around the UK


Where eligible for remuneration, members will receive £200 per meeting and one day preparation time per meeting.

We anticipate remuneration will be for a minimum of five days and up to a maximum of 12 days per year.

Travel and subsistence expenses in line with policy will be paid as appropriate if eligible.

Whether or not you are eligible for payment does not affect your eligibility for appointment, meaning you may still be appointed even if you cannot receive a fee.

How to apply

Apply to become a member of NERC FLC via the Whitehall & Industry Group website.

How we’ll assess your application

Panel review

After the closing date, all applications will be passed to the selection panel.

The panel will review the applications against the person specification.

The selection panel for these appointments will be:

  • Alison Robinson, NERC Chief Operating Officer
  • Charlotte McNichol-Fardon, Chair NERC Future Leaders Council
  • Rashik Parmar, Group CEO of British Computer Society and NERC Council member


The panel will confirm if you are selected for interview by the end of October 2024.

Further particulars will be provided if you are selected for interview.

Final appointment

At the final appointment stages, where you are qualified on merit, the selection panel will seek to achieve a balanced membership in terms of, for example, diversity (including geographical diversity), and experience.

The first meeting for new committee members is in May 2025.

Last updated: 17 October 2024

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