Join ESRC’s advisory group for data infrastructure and methods

Closing date
3 December 2024, 4:00pm UK time
Number of positions
Up to four
Length of term
Two years (opportunity to extend)
Time commitment
Four two-hour meetings per year, plus preparation and reading time
Outcomes communicated
Early 2025

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) invites applications to join our Expert Advisory Group (EAG) for Data Infrastructure, Skills and Methods.

Membership of the group provides an opportunity to help shape ESRC’s future investment in data infrastructure, by providing advice which underpins new investment decisions or strategic programmes.

We welcome applications from anyone who feels they could contribute effectively to the group.

ESRC is keen to ensure there is a diversity of experience and expertise represented on the EAG.

Who we’re looking for

Person criteria

We do not expect you to meet all criteria, though you should be motivated to participate actively in the group.

You do not need to have an academic post. Nor do you need to be in a senior role.

The desired attributes of EAG members are:

  • expertise or experience in designing and managing data infrastructure or data skills activities
  • expertise or experience in conducting social science-led research using data
  • broader expertise in other areas that enables positive contributions to the group’s discussion
  • ability to take a strategic overview of research infrastructure issues, such as research skills and training, inclusion, international contexts, interdisciplinary working
  • motivation to participate actively in the group, participate in related activities, such as joining ESRC commissioning panels, contribute to delivering ESRC’s mission and objectives

Priority expertise areas

We particularly encourage applications from people with expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • computational social science
  • data-driven research methods
  • development and use of election studies
  • development and use of international surveys
  • engagement with UK government
  • inclusive research design and inclusive teams
  • qualitative data analysis
  • secure data: including data management and access control, and the relevant activities of the statistical agencies
  • use and development of longitudinal studies

What you’ll be doing

About the EAG

The advisory group’s purpose is to provide strategic advice and oversight for ESRC’s portfolio of investments in data collections and services, and in training and capacity building in data-driven methods.

The EAG’s remit includes social science-led data infrastructure generally, but you should note that the ESRC-led Smart Data Research UK and Administrative Data Research UK programmes have their own advisory arrangements. The group does not have decision-making powers. The group complements existing governance structures including ESRC Council.

EAG members are frequently invited to join or lead other activities such as chairing grant funding panels.

We welcome applications from anyone who feels they can offer relevant advice. This includes people not resident in the UK.

Meetings will occur during UK working hours.

Collectively, the EAG should:

  • include members from a range of career stages, institutions and places
  • be drawn from communities including policymakers, practitioners, business and non-governmental organisations
  • reflect the diversity of the UK data-driven social science research community


Members’ terms are for two years. Terms may be renewed once, giving a maximum service time of four years.

Members are required to abide by the ESRC code of practice for members of committees and groups, and to provide a conflict of interest declaration.

Format of meetings

Meetings will be in virtual or hybrid format. There will normally be four two-hour meetings per year. Papers are circulated at least one week in advance.

Time commitment

We estimate the time commitment to be four half days per year (including reading time).


This is a voluntary advisory group and therefore we cannot pay for participation.

Reasonable expenses to enable participation in meetings can be reimbursed, including care costs for dependants, if agreed in advance with ESRC.

How to apply

To apply, complete the application form by 3 December 2024, 4:00pm UK time.

Equality and diversity

Contact us if you feel reasonable adjustments could be made to support you in your application or potential membership.

Career breaks and flexible working

We welcome applications from people of all career stages and career pathways. Time spent outside the active research and business environment, whether through career breaks or flexible working, will not adversely affect your application and we encourage such individuals to apply.

How we’ll assess your application

Applications will be checked by ESRC staff to ensure the form has been completed.

Applications will then be assessed by a group comprising the Chair of the EAG, the ESRC Deputy Director for Data Strategy and Infrastructure, and one other senior colleague.

Appointments will be based on:

  • demonstration of motivation to join the group
  • fit to one or more of the other person criteria
  • the need to balance the overall expertise of the group, and in particular to cover priority expertise areas
  • the value of representing a range of experiences, institutions, career stages, and UK nations and regions across the group’s membership

We do not intend to hold interviews but may do so if there are a large number of high quality applications. We reserve the right to alter this application process after the opportunity has closed.

We hope to communicate outcomes within eight working weeks of the final deadline for applications.

Further information

Contact us

Send questions or comments to

We are happy to facilitate a conversation with the current EAG Chair, Clare Holdsworth, if desired.


ESRC’s Data Strategy and Infrastructure programme is responsible for effectively managing and developing ESRC’s data infrastructure portfolio. It covers data collections and data services and developing and implementing the ambitions laid out in the ESRC data infrastructure strategy. This includes:

  • effectively managing current data infrastructure investments to make sure they provide agreed services or data to researchers and deliver value for money and measurable impact
  • re-commissioning major investments as necessary, including developing the associated business cases
  • maximising use of data by researchers and others, and improving data access
  • informing data policy and helping to shape longer term approaches to maximising impact
  • developing, socialising and implementing a strategy for the longer term (initially five to 10 years) development of investment in data infrastructure. This will reflect a thorough understanding of developments in the wider data infrastructure landscape and anticipating future users’ needs and good practice and lessons learned from previous investments and more widely
  • scoping and commissioning new investments as necessary, including developing the associated business cases
  • shaping future data policy and developing approaches designed to maximise impact from ESRC data infrastructure investment

ESRC data infrastructure examples

Examples of ESRC data infrastructure currently managed by the programme include:

Centre for Longitudinal Studies: centre of expertise in longitudinal studies and home to four national longitudinal cohort studies

Early Life Cohort: a new birth cohort for the 2020s which is currently being developed via a feasibility study

UK election studies including:

UK participation in international studies such as:

Understanding Society: UK household longitudinal study

Three support units for the UK Census Longitudinal Studies

UK Data Service: UK’s largest collection of social, economic and population data resources

Future data

ESRC also has a substantial commitment to developing people and skills. While much of this work is outside the immediate remit of the EAG, the group has previously been closely involved in our work on data-driven research skills.

ESRC is also currently managing the Future Data Services programme to help decide how best to strategically invest in data services beyond 2024.

The whole Data Strategy and Infrastructure programme works closely with other relevant programmes within ESRC such as Administrative Data Research UK and Smart Data Research UK. It also works with colleagues across UK Research and Innovation and a wide range of external stakeholders including senior academics, other funders and government departments.

The EAG also engages with the strategic direction of ESRC’s skills, training and capacity building investments, where there is significant relevance to the use of data for research. This work is led by ESRC’s Research Talent Development team.

Last updated: 7 October 2024

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