BBSRC strategy advisory panels: member vacancies

Closing date
24 October 2024
Number of positions
One for Bioscience for Advanced Manufacturing and Clean Growth
Two for Bioscience for Sustainable Agriculture and Food
One for Bioscience for an Integrated Understanding of Health
Two for People and Talent
Up to three for Transformative Technologies
Length of term
Standard term length is three years (one year in the first instance with an anticipated extension if mutually agreed to a full term of three years)

The term can be extended further in exceptional circumstances, up to a maximum of six years

Time commitment
Approximately 10 days per year, consisting of at least two strategy advisory panel meetings per year (one to two days each)

With a maximum of five to six days for meeting preparation, and a maximum of five to six days for additional responsibilities (for example: ad hoc strategic advice for UKRI and BBSRC)

Attendance fee per meeting for both in-person and virtual meetings

Travel and subsistence for in-person meetings

Outcomes communicated date
December 2024

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council’s (BBSRC) Strategy Advisory Panels (SAPs) provide expert insight to develop, monitor and provide assurance on our strategy, policies and ideas.

Our panels aim to reflect the diversity of thought and experience across the bioscience community, spanning academia, industry, and policy.

We are inviting applications to join the panel for:

Who we’re looking for

BBSRC’s SAPs play a key role in delivering BBSRC’s mission by providing expert input and advice that:

  • helps shape and develop our strategy, policies and ideas
  • provides assurance, monitoring and benchmarking on our research and innovation decisions
  • ensures that our research and innovation decisions are supported by expert knowledge and insight from members of the scientific research and innovation community, including those with broad experience between and across disciplines

BBSRC’s five SAPs align with the BBSRC forward look for UK bioscience, with three addressing strategic challenge areas and two addressing cross-cutting themes. A summary of the remit of each SAP is included in this ‘Who we’re looking for’ section below.

For more details, please refer to the BBSRC forward look for UK bioscience and BBSRC’s 2022 to 2025 strategic delivery plan.

The panels are supplemented as appropriate with additional invited experts according to business need.

We welcome applications from previous panel members but in order to encourage diversity on our panels, the maximum period panel members can serve is two full terms of three years. In such cases, we would ask that applicants wait one term afterwards (three years) before re-applying.

Bioscience for Advanced Manufacturing and Clean Growth SAP

In addition to aligning with one of BBSRC’s three strategic challenge areas, the scope of the Bioscience for Advanced Manufacturing and Clean Growth (AMCG) SAP contribute to the objective of building a greener future for all. This is described in UK Research and Innovation’s corporate plan 2022 to 2025.

AMCG’s SAP focuses on the use of biological systems for the:

  • development of novel, bio-based and low carbon manufacture for improved materials, chemicals, biopharmaceuticals and energy vectors
  • production of more sustainable products through the utilisation of renewable resources and more sustainable feedstocks
  • use of biological systems for the remediation of land, water and air

To achieve these aims, AMCG supports research and technologies covering biological, chemistry and engineering disciplines, with an emphasis on genomics, systems, and synthetic biology. This research utilises:

  • biological systems including genes, enzymes, bacteria, fungi, algae, animal, and plant cells as well as multicellular organisms
  • feedstocks including wastes and residues in the form of gases, liquids, and solids as well as perennial biomass

See further details regarding the AMCG’s scope and the current advisory panel membership.

The AMCG SAP are keen to encourage applicants with expertise in the following areas:

  • advanced chemical manufacture in the fine and speciality chemicals area utilising bio-based materials or systems
  • process engineering or scale-up of industrial biotechnology systems in a commercial setting including lifecycle and technoeconomic assessments
  • knowledge of the chemicals industry and manufacturing in the UK and internationally

We welcome applications from all organisations. However, in the interests of ensuring fair community representation, and recognising existing membership, unless there is a compelling strategic case, we are unlikely to accept further appointments to the panel from applicants employed by:

  • Ingenza
  • Unilever
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Nottingham
  • Unviersity of Reading
  • University of Surrey

Bioscience for Sustainable Agriculture and Food SAP

The Bioscience for Sustainable Agriculture and Food (SAF) panel advises on how the UK’s strengths in bioscience can have an impact on global food and nutrition security. It also advises on how it drives innovation and policy to deliver a sustainable, productive, diverse, resilient, and healthy agri-food system.

The panel will provide advice to BBSRC on a broad range of topics including:

  • sustainable food production as part of wider agri-ecosystems (lab-field-farm-landscape) building resilience into our agri-food systems including: food safety and reducing food waste and loss, and novel strategies to support the health of the crop or animal
  • linking agriculture, food and nutrition to health benefits
  • transformative technologies for agriculture and food including: precision agriculture and smart technologies, and genomics and genetic diversity development
  • transition to net zero in agri-food systems and reducing environmental impacts on biodiversity and soil health

See details and most recent membership about the SAF SAP.

For Bioscience for SAF SAP we are keen to encourage applicants with expertise in the following areas:

  • strategic or industry experience (including farming)
  • transformative technologies in agriculture, crop science and genetics
  • regenerative agriculture
  • agrifood systems, for example, interactions between farms, ecosystems, services and management food systems, including modelling, resilience and policy
  • systems or interdisciplinary thinking across agriculture and food

We welcome applications from all organisations. However, in the interests of ensuring fair community representation, and recognising existing membership, unless there is a compelling strategic case, we are unlikely to accept further appointments to the panel from applicants employed by:

  • University of Reading
  • University of Nottingham
  • Lancaster University
  • Newcastle University
  • Mowi
  • Quadram Institute
  • Ceres-AgriTech

Bioscience for an Integrated Understanding of Health

The Bioscience for an Integrated Understanding of Health (BIUH) panel focuses on improving animal and human health and wellbeing across the life course. This centres upon providing a deep integrated understanding of the health system, and of the factors that maintain health and wellness under stress and biological or environmental challenges.

The panel will provide advice to BBSRC on a broad range of topics spanning the four challenge areas identified in the BIUH strategic framework document:

  • ageing and health across the life course: understanding the biological mechanisms of ageing, with the long-term objective of maintaining and enhancing the quality of mental and physical health throughout the life course
  • food and nutrition for health: understanding the biological mechanisms by which nutrients, food components, foods and whole diets and their interactions promote a healthy lifespan
  • combatting infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance: coordinated transdisciplinary approach to understand, forecast, avoid and mitigate animal infectious diseases, infections of zoonotic origin and antimicrobial resistance
  • transformative technologies for health: development, validation, implementation and application of tools, technologies and data that enable innovative approaches to understand and improve human and animal health and wellbeing throughout the life course

See details on the BIUH SAP and most recent membership.

For BIUH SAP we are keen to encourage applicants with expertise in the following areas:

  • one health (including zoonosis)
  • combatting infectious diseases (including antimicrobial resistance)
  • social sciences within the context of bioscience

We welcome applications from all organisations. However, in the interests of ensuring fair community representation, and recognising existing membership, unless there is a compelling strategic case, we are unlikely to accept further appointments to the panel from applicants employed by:

  • Newcastle University
  • University of Cambridge
  • Alan Turing Institute
  • University of Oxford
  • The Babraham Institute
  • Collider Health
  • University of Surrey
  • The Roslin Institute
  • University of Glasgow
  • Queen Mary University of London
  • University of Birmingham

People and Talent SAP

People and Talent (PAT) is responsible for developing and maintaining BBSRC policies to support the delivery and training of diverse people across the bioscience sector for fulfilling careers in research and innovation.

It also aims to support a scientifically articulate workforce for the wider economy.

The panel provides advice on a range of topics, in particular:

  • the talent ecosystem, ensuring an appropriate flow of talented people into bioscience training and professional development for the benefit of research communities and the wider economy
  • postgraduate training and development
  • research teams, including postdoctoral researchers, research technicians and technology and skills specialists and research leaders in support of healthy and productive working environments
  • research culture, including equality, diversity, and inclusion within the biosciences
  • porosity of researchers and their ideas, knowledge, and expertise between sectors of research and the economy

See details on the PAT SAP and most recent membership.

For PAT SAP we are keen to encourage applicants with expertise in at least one of the following areas:

  • driving policy change in research culture at departmental, institutional, or national levels (for example, Technician Commitment, Researcher Development Concordat, Athena Swan Charter, Race Equality Charter)
  • developing evidence-based strategies, interpreting complex data on research funding, identifying key messages from funding or survey data (for example, grant success rates, student destinations)
  • understanding challenges in non-academic or atypical research careers, including sector mobility, vocational routes (for example, apprenticeships), and transitioning to research independence
  • knowledge of culture or career challenges and solutions in non-academic settings, including barriers to innovation
  • industry or third sector experience

We welcome applications from all organisations. However, in the interests of ensuring fair community representation, and recognising existing membership, unless there is a compelling strategic case, we are unlikely to accept further appointments to the panel from applicants employed by:

  • University of Plymouth
  • University of Portsmouth
  • AstraZeneca
  • University of Nottingham
  • Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre
  • Northumbria University
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • John Innes Centre
  • University of Bristol

Transformative Technologies SAP

Membership of the Transformative Technologies (TT) SAP is an opportunity to help advise BBSRC on disruptive technologies that are vital in advancing bioscience research and innovation. Accelerating the pace of discovery, providing new opportunities for business and innovative ways to tackle health, environmental and productivity challenges.

The TT theme drives the emergence, development and adoption of transformative bioscience technologies, including but not limited to data intensive bioscience, artificial intelligence (AI), engineering biology, and bioimaging.

TT SAP also covers aspects of the Rules of Life and Research Infrastructure themes, as well as relevant industrial and societal aspects across all three themes.

The Rules of Life theme promotes creative, curiosity-driven frontier bioscience to address fundamental questions in biology.

The Research Infrastructure theme aims to ensure UK bioscience, including academic researchers, innovators and industrialists, can access cutting-edge, sustainable research and innovation infrastructure.

Find out more about the TT SAP current panel membership.

For TT SAP we are keen to encourage applicants with expertise in the following areas:

  • data intensive bioscience: FAIR data, bioinformatics software, computational methods, and the required infrastructure including high-performance compute that are essential for advancing modern biosciences
  • AI: development and application of a breadth of AI approaches in the biosciences, in recognition of the role of AI as a key emerging technology
  • engineering biology: expertise in the development and application of synthetic and engineering biology approaches, in both fundamental and applied research challenge settings
  • technology development: development and application of technologies (including but not limited to the above technologies) in the biosciences. We are keen to have applications from research technology professionals

All four highlighted areas have clear aspects of commonality, connection and convergence, and applicants with relevant cross-cutting expertise are strongly encouraged to apply.

We welcome applications from all organisations. However, in the interests of ensuring fair community representation, and recognising existing membership, unless there is a compelling strategic case, we are unlikely to accept further appointments to the panel from applicants employed by:

  • Francis Crick Institute
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • University of Dundee
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Southampton
  • University of York

What you’ll be doing

As a member of a BBSRC SAP, you will play a key role in delivering BBSRC’s mission by:

  • providing strategic advice on BBSRC’s research and innovation decisions in the context of the wider research and innovation landscape, and recommending how strategic areas of relevance are prioritised
  • identifying emerging strategic opportunities through horizon-scanning and advise on the most effective intervention
  • providing constructive challenge and assurance that BBSRC’s ideas, policies and strategies are fit for purpose, taking account of all necessary stakeholder perspectives
  • helping to monitor and benchmark existing activities and investments, and their impacts

The role will require a time commitment of a maximum of 10 to 12 days (generally less). This includes at least two strategy advisory panel meetings per year of one to two days each. With a maximum of five to six days for preparation, and a maximum of five to six days for additional responsibilities (ad hoc strategic advice for UK Research and Innovation and BBSRC).

We expect you to be able to commit the necessary time and attention to your appointment and to have the full support or the necessary permission of your employer.

How to apply

If you have any queries regarding your eligibility for a panel or about the application process, please contact the relevant SAP team:

You can apply for one position only.

To apply, submit your application via the UK Research and Innovation Engagement Hub.

The application form will ask for your personal details and which advisory panel you wish to apply for, followed by a question for each of the assessment criteria as outlined in the ‘How we’ll assess your application’ section.

If you have any queries or additional needs to enable you to complete the application form, email:

How we’ll assess your application

We will make appointments with reference to the criteria (see the ‘Assessment criteria’ section). We will consider factors such as the overall application score, panel expertise requirements, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) principles, and institutional or industry distribution for each SAP to ensure a balanced panel composition.

Assessment criteria

We will assess your application using the following assessment criteria:

  • motivation: motivation to join a BBSRC SAP and your relevance to the panel’s needs
  • vision: personal perspective on the future of bioscience related to the chosen SAP’s remit
  • expertise: skills and expertise relevant to the role and the chosen SAP’s strategic area
  • strategy and policy development: previous experience in strategy and policy development relevant to bioscience
  • awareness and expertise in EDI: awareness, engagement and implementation of EDI in relation to bioscience
  • additional information: any further information that could strengthen the application

Further information

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We recognise that diverse ideas, experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives are fundamental to successful science and innovation. We are committed to ensuring that our committees, panels, and boards are inclusive, diverse, and representative of the research community, and are developing diversity targets to support this.

We are committed to the principle of providing equal opportunities for all. Through this appointment activity, we aspire to increase the diversity of our advisory structures and welcome applications from all individuals and sections of the community.

An equality and impact assessment (PDF, 181KB) has been developed to support and inform applicants and ensure that we enable participation and attendance at meetings. For example, by using venues that have good transport links and are accessible. We will also contribute towards additional costs for caring responsibilities to enable you to attend. Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you wish to discuss this further.

To support us in assessing how effective our policies and procedures are in eliminating unlawful discrimination and promoting opportunities, we ask that you provide diversity information that will be used anonymously by BBSRC for monitoring purposes.

This information will be treated in confidence by BBSRC and will not be used in the assessment of applications.

Safeguarding good scientific practice

As a public investor in research, BBSRC aims to facilitate the highest standards for research integrity.

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is a signatory to the Concordat to support research integrity. BBSRC also implements the UKRI policy and guidelines on governance of good research, alongside our guidance on safeguarding good scientific practice.

Appointees to BBSRC SAPs are expected to be aware of their obligations in regard to these policies.

Learn more about UKRl’s guidance and policies on research integrity and misconduct as part of UKRl’s good research resource hub.

You must declare if you are, or have been, subject to any current or past scientific misconduct investigations. We reserve the right to reject any application where such issues are considered an impediment to the individual holding a public appointment. This information will be treated in confidence.

Last updated: 27 September 2024

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