BBSRC EDI Expert Advisory Group: member vacancies

Closing date
26 November 2024
Number of positions
Length of term
Three years
Time commitment
Approximately four days per year
£170 per meeting plus travel and subsistence cover where required

Caring costs incurred due to attending subgroup meetings can be reimbursed

Outcomes communicated
To be confirmed

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) would like to invite members of the bioscience community with EDI expertise to join our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Expert Advisory Group (EDI EAG).

The purpose of the EDI EAG is to provide expert external advice and guidance to BBSRC on its approach to improving EDI in the bioscience research and innovation community.

Who we’re looking for

BBSRC invites applications to join the EDI EAG. We are seeking up to five independent members to join the advisory group.

We are seeking individuals at all career stages with a strong interest in EDI, a deep knowledge in their professional area, and an ability to think strategically beyond their discipline and make relevant connections across BBSRC’s broad remit.

Across the membership of the EDI EAG, we are aiming for the following knowledge, expertise and skills to be represented:

Demonstrable understanding and interest in EDI or research culture issues

This should include one or more of the following:

  • knowledge of EDI challenges across the research and innovation community, and how this relates to BBSRC’s role in improving EDI in the biosciences
  • knowledge of EDI challenges within a particular region, sector (for example, academia, industry or other research institute), or research area (for example, one of BBSRC’s strategic research priority areas)
  • knowledge of EDI challenges for a particular career stage (for example, postgraduate students, early career researchers or research leaders)

In-depth knowledge of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)-BBSRC systems, processes or strategic development

For example, through participation in a BBSRC panel or committee.

We particularly welcome applications from individuals who meet any of the following criteria:

  • are based at a BBSRC strategically funded institute
  • are leaders in their research field
  • have a background in data science
  • have a background in commercialisation and entrepreneurship
  • are able to speak to the relevant experiences of the early career researcher (ECR) and research technical professional (RTP) communities within the biosciences. This can either be because you are a member of one of these communities, or you have a proven record of working closely with and advocating for ECRs or RTPs in your career

In order to maintain a diverse panel, we particularly welcome applications from men, those with a disability, those that identify as being members of an ethnic minority group or of the LGBTQ+ community.

Person criteria and question set

The desired attributes of members sought are described below as either ‘essential’ (E) or ‘desirable’ (D).

Please note that it is not expected that all of the experiences and attributes sought, including those listed as ‘essential’, will be found in each member, particularly where individuals are early in their career. Therefore, having gaps in the following criteria may not adversely affect your application, and we strongly encourage such individuals to apply.


  • professional expertise relevant to the current requirements of the EAG listed in this section above (E)
  • knowledge of EDI activities being undertaken in research and innovation across the UK and internationally, and a demonstrated commitment to making progress on EDI issues, with experience of improving outcomes (E)
  • understanding of the interface between academia, industry and other relevant UKRI-BBSRC stakeholders, as well as awareness of end user and developer perspectives (E)
  • awareness and expertise in specific fundamental bioscience areas which are advancing our understanding of the rules of life (D)

Strategy development:

  • ability to work collaboratively and productively with other EAG members (E)
  • has genuine interest in effecting change and influencing BBSRC strategy (E)
  • knowledge and experience of policy or strategy development across key biosciences stakeholders (for example government, UKRI, industry or third sector) (D)
  • previous experience of working with BBSRC or UKRI (D)


  • awareness and understanding of relevant societal, ethical or legal considerations related to the biosciences or research more widely (E)
  • knowledge and understanding of the bioscience landscape in the UK and internationally, and an understanding of the challenges facing the appropriate sector or discipline (both broadly and relating to your own area of expertise) (E)
  • awareness and knowledge of the facilities, resources and services necessary for the biosciences community to carry out groundbreaking research and to support its translation into economic and societal impact (E)

What you’ll be doing

The role of the EDI EAG is to:

1. Provide external oversight of BBSRC’s EDI workplan in the context of UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) EDI strategy and BBSRC strategic delivery plan, including:

  • acting as a ‘critical friend’ in challenging BBSRC’s work
  • acting as advocates for EDI in the biosciences and for BBSRC work in this area
  • ensuring that BBSRC activities align with UKRI and BBSRC priorities in this area and support a balanced portfolio of activities which have greatest impact for the BBSRC community

2. Identify and prioritise the key EDI issues in the biosciences and provide advice on what BBSRC could do to help address these challenges in the short and longer terms.

3. Provide oversight on BBSRC’s EDI evidence base to identify areas for intervention or further investigation, to include for example:

  • advising on ongoing or future evidence requirements
  • identifying any specific EDI issues that have arisen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and how these could be resolved in the short and longer terms
  • advising on the role of existing BBSRC investment mechanisms in improving EDI or gathering evidence. For example, fellowships, studentships, new investigators, strategic LoLas (strategic Longer and Larger grants, which are grounded in frontier bioscience and can be up to five years in duration), institute strategic programmes, and others

Since its conception in January 2022, the EDI EAG has provided strategic input to the development of BBSRC’s EDI action plan, which was published in March 2023. During 2025 the EDI EAG will have a role in advising on how the action plan should be updated.

This round of applications is for EAG membership only. However, we aim to achieve links to the People and Talent Strategy Advisory Panel, BBSRC Council and BBSRC Appointments Panel through cross-membership.

Membership and time commitment

Standard term length is three years (one year in the first instance with an anticipated extension if mutually agreed to a full term of three years). The EDI EAG has previously convened up to four times per year, with a mixture of in-person and virtual meetings and also workshops. The group typically meets twice a year.

We estimate the time commitment to be four days per year for meetings, with up to an additional six days for meeting preparation and additional responsibilities (for example: ad hoc strategic advice for UKRI and BBSRC).

Meetings will be held on the basis of need and will typically be all-day meetings or a short topic-specific workshop. Meeting dates will be confirmed a minimum of five weeks prior via poll.

Travel expenses

For in-person meetings, reasonable travel expenses to these meetings can be reimbursed. Reimbursement can also cover any care arrangements for dependants which you may require to be able to travel.

Attendance fees

In return for your time investment and professional commitment to EDI EAG business, BBSRC can offer payments of £170 for each meeting attended (a minimum of one hour attendance duration is required to qualify for the payment).

How to apply

To apply, complete an online application via the UK Research and Innovation Engagement Hub.

The deadline for applications is 26 November 2024 at 4:00pm (UK time).

Before you apply, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the aims and objectives of the EDI EAG as set out on this page, and take a look at the BBSRC EDI action plan to familiarise yourself with the wider strategy relating to this area.

If you have any queries regarding the EDI EAG or your application, please contact us at email:

How we’ll assess your application

Applications to the EDI EAG will be initially sifted by BBSRC staff, and the applications will then be assessed by the Chair of the EDI EAG and the Interim Associate Director for People and Talent at BBSRC.

Candidates will be assessed against the criteria and relevant experience sought in members as described in the person criteria (see the ‘Person criteria and question set’ section under ‘Who we’re looking for’).

Appointments will be offered based on:

  • this assessment
  • the need to balance the overall expertise of the EAG
  • the need to maintain a diversity of institutions represented
  • the need to ensure appointments to the EAG are in line with UKRI’s EDI policy

Further information


We recognise that diverse ideas, experiences, backgrounds and perspectives are fundamental to successful science and innovation. We are committed to making sure our committees, panels and boards are inclusive, diverse and representative of the research community.

We are committed to the principle of providing equal opportunities for all. Through this appointment, we aspire to increase the diversity of our advisory structures and welcome applications from all individuals and sections of the community.

We welcome applications from any individuals who feel they meet the requirements. In order to maintain a diverse panel, we particularly welcome applications from men, those with a disability, those that identify as being members of an ethnic minority group or of the LGBTQ+ community.

An equality and impact assessment (PDF, 169KB) has been developed to support and inform applicants of how we consider and minimise barriers to participation through reasonable adjustments. For example, we will contribute towards additional costs for caring responsibilities to enable you to attend meetings.

If you feel further reasonable adjustments could be made to support you in your application or potential membership, please do not hesitate to contact the office, at email:

To support us in assessing how effective our policies and procedures are in eliminating unlawful discrimination and promoting opportunities, we ask you to provide diversity information that will be used anonymously by BBSRC for monitoring purposes.

This information will be treated in confidence by BBSRC and will not be used in the assessment of applications.

Data protection

The data you provide will be used as part of the BBSRC EDI EAG recruitment process.

We will use your details to inform you about the outcome of your application and, if you are successful, to liaise with you about your membership.

The EDI profile information will be separated from the selection process. It will be used for monitoring purposes and will have no bearing on the decision made regarding your application.

The information you provide will be used to check whether we have reached a representative section of society and help us identify inequalities.

Personal information will not be used for any other purpose without your consent.

Your data will be managed in line with UK data protection legislation and handled securely.

For further information on how your data will be used, how we maintain the security of your information, and your rights to access information we hold on you, see UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) privacy notice.

Principles of public life

We have adopted a code of practice for all those who assist in the work of BBSRC. It embraces the Seven Principles of Public Life drawn up by the Nolan Committee and endorsed by Parliament.

Safeguarding good scientific practice

As a public investor in research, BBSRC aims to facilitate the highest standards for research integrity.

UKRI is a signatory to the Concordat to support research integrity.

BBSRC also implements the UKRI policy and guidelines on governance of good research, alongside our guidance on safeguarding good scientific practice.

Appointees to BBSRC Strategy Advisory Panels are expected to be aware of their obligations in regard to these policies.

Learn more about UKRl’s guidance and policies on research integrity and misconduct as part of UKRl’s good research resource hub.

You must declare if you are, or have been, subject to any current or past scientific misconduct investigations. We reserve the right to reject any application where such issues are considered an impediment to the individual holding a public appointment. This information will be treated in confidence.

Last updated: 21 October 2024

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