Apply to join the Mathematical Sciences Early Career Forum

Closing date
20 November 2024
Number of positions
Around eight
Length of term
Two years plus possible extension for two years
Time commitment
Two or three days per year with occasional contact in between for specific topics or issues
Outcomes communicated date
Early January 2025

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is seeking applications from early career researchers to join the Mathematical Sciences Early Career Forum (ECF) for a two-year term.

The Mathematical Sciences ECF acts as an informal advisory stream to EPSRC. Members are advocates for EPSRC within the community and provide a broad perspective of the needs and views of the mathematical sciences early career community.

We are looking to recruit about eight new members in this exercise.

Who we’re looking for

This opportunity is available to early career researchers from across the mathematical sciences remit.

To recognise the range of career paths in mathematical sciences, there is no specific definition of ‘early career’, however, you should demonstrate why you consider it appropriate to describe yourself as such.

This forms part of the assessment criteria outlined in the ‘how we’ll assess your application’ section.

Early career indicators

We have listed some indicators that you might be considered early career.

These are not exhaustive or definitive but may help you to decide whether this is the right opportunity for you, and to explain why you would consider yourself to be early career.

The assessment panel may also refer to these indicators but will be encouraged to take a broad view when assessing whether you are at a suitable point in your career.

If you are unsure if you would be considered early career, another option is to seek advice from colleagues who may be able to assist you. The indicators are that you:

  • are in the process of establishing your research independence and your research team (whatever size that may be), or these are newly established (established leaders of research groups would not be suitable for this opportunity)
  • have aspirations to become a leader within your research community or some experience of community leadership, but may not have a significant track record of community leadership at a national level
  • have a good awareness of the international and strategic context of your research and are starting to show evidence of recognition in the wider community

Equality, diversity and inclusion

EPSRC champion diversity in forum membership, in terms of gender, ethnicity, disability and other protected characteristics and we welcome applications from candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds.

We are also keen for diverse representation in geographical location and department size.

Find out about EPSRC’s approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Mathematical Sciences theme research areas

We welcome applications from across the breadth of mathematical sciences. The research areas included are:

  • algebra
  • continuum mechanics
  • geometry and topology
  • logic and combinatorics
  • mathematical analysis
  • mathematical biology
  • mathematical physics
  • non-linear systems
  • number theory
  • numerical analysis
  • operational research
  • statistics and applied probability

Due to the balance of research areas among continuing forum members, we particularly welcome applications from researchers in pure mathematics.


This opportunity is open to full-time and part-time academic staff and fellowship holders (excluding postdoctoral level fellowships), according to the normal eligibility rules for EPSRC funding.

In addition, this opportunity is open to industrialists and individuals working in the third sector and government organisations whose work is relevant to mathematical sciences.

In all cases, you will need to explain how you identify as early career within the expression of interest.

If you are interested in applying for this opportunity and are unsure of your eligibility, you should contact EPSRC by email:

Applying for this opportunity will not affect your status under the repeatedly unsuccessful applicants policy.

What you’ll be doing

The Mathematical Sciences ECF (see governance, management and panels section) acts as an informal advisory stream to EPSRC, helping with two-way communication between EPSRC and the early career mathematical sciences research community.

Members are advocates for EPSRC within the community and provide a broad perspective of the needs and views of the mathematical sciences early career community, offering opinion across the breadth of the theme.

Forum members will have the opportunity to connect to, and contribute to the shaping of EPSRC strategic activities,  and interact with EPSRC’s advisory streams.

Members will receive insight into, and practical advice relating to, UK funding body policy and practice.

Members of the ECF will also have the opportunity to interact with other early career researchers from across the breadth of mathematical sciences.


The Mathematical Sciences theme supports core research capability across the breadth of mathematical sciences while promoting transformative and cross-disciplinary research, all of which has the potential for significant impact.

Engaging with early career researchers is a crucial part of achieving EPSRC’s ambitions, helping to set the direction for mathematical sciences research in the near future.

The Mathematical Sciences ECF acts as a sounding board for the theme to inform new ideas, provide informal advice on key issues and offer a direct link to the research community. It also alerts EPSRC to emerging issues and opportunities affecting the early career community.

The ECF is a long-term initiative with an evolving membership base.

The activities of the forum are influenced by the wishes and ideas of the membership, who are expected to participate in organising meetings.

Members will have access to a range of tailored events and opportunities, which have previously included:

  • networking and idea-sharing with other ECF members
  • insight into EPSRC processes and procedures, including various EPSRC grant awards and the associated peer review processes
  • developing working relationships with EPSRC
  • joint sessions and networking with the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Strategic Advisory Team

ECF members also advocate on behalf of EPSRC on any policies or specific issues that may arise. This ensures they are visible leaders able to articulate strategy and activities to the community and stakeholders where appropriate.

The ECF usually meets two or three times annually, with each meeting running over one day.

EPSRC expects ECF members to be willing and able to actively participate and contribute to the forum’s meetings on a regular basis.

Forum refresh

EPSRC is looking to appoint around eight new members of the forum.

Members appointed via this process will form the new cohort of the forum.

Their membership period is expected to run from January 2025 to January 2027 (with the possibility of extension for a further two years).

ECF members are selected from academia, industry and other stakeholders and are separate from the peer review process.

EPSRC wishes to recruit forum members across the full breadth of the Mathematical Sciences theme.

This includes appropriate representation of our portfolios in the mathematical sciences discipline (on Tableau)) and also individuals who are able to take a more general overview of the theme.

Through the selection process we will try to ensure, where possible, a diverse and representative membership for the ECF.

For more information about EPSRC’s portfolios and strategies, see our research portfolio and priorities and Mathematical Sciences theme.

EPSRC explicitly seeks to ensure that at each refresh the forum is constituted with an appropriate balance of membership across scientific research areas while securing appropriate distribution across institutions and regions of the UK.

Opportunity available

This is not a direct funding opportunity, but rather an expression of interest for membership of the Mathematical Sciences ECF.

EPSRC currently reimburses expenses, including travel and accommodation, to attend forum meetings in line with UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) travel policy.

How to apply

Submitting an application

This is a single stage assessment process, based around an expression of interest (EoI).

Any applications that fail to follow these guidelines will not be considered.

You should submit your application by 20 November 2024 using the EoI form on the Engagement Hub.

Guidance on writing an application

Preparing an EoI

You should complete all sections of the EoI form.

Applications will be assessed anonymously, so do not include any identifying information, including your name or research organisation, in your answers to the questions, except where this is explicitly requested.

How we’ll assess your application

You must address the criteria outlined in the ‘Assessment criteria’ section.

This will be in the format of responses to the following prompts, which map to the assessment criteria:

  • demonstrate how you identify with the description of ‘early career’
  • clearly outline your rationale for wishing to join the ECF in mathematical sciences research, providing evidence that your membership will bring value to both you and the early career research community
  • outline how your research relates to the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences theme
  • demonstrate your communication and teamwork abilities when representing a collective opinion, including reaching a consensus when faced with different opinions
  • demonstrate your readiness to facilitate two-way communication between EPSRC and the early career research community

Each section may contain up to 1,500 characters.

Assessment process

Expressions of interest will be assessed against the specification criteria by an EPSRC panel based on the information provided, evaluating how well you have articulated your fit to the assessment criteria.

We actively encourage applications from researchers based in all regions and nations of the UK (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) and those representing a diverse range of institutions.

We would not expect the Mathematical Sciences ECF members to be members of any other ECF in EPSRC.

The forum has continuing representation from the following organisations:

  • Aston University
  • Cardiff University
  • Durham University
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Imperial College London
  • Lancaster University
  • Queen’s University Belfast
  • University College London
  • University of Bath
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Leeds

Therefore, we particularly welcome applications from non-represented organisations.

There will be no postal peer review of applications for this forum, or right to reply.

EPSRC reserves the right to reject applications that:

  • it deems to be outside the scope of the opportunity, including those outside the remit of the Mathematical Sciences theme, or from ineligible applicants
  • are wholly beyond the remit of EPSRC
  • do not follow the application guidelines on this page

The outcomes of the selection process will be announced in early January 2025.

If successful, you will receive a formal invitation to the Mathematical Sciences ECF.

In the event of this opportunity being substantially oversubscribed as to be unmanageable, EPSRC reserve the right to modify the assessment process.

Assessment criteria

Applications will be assessed on providing demonstrable evidence to address the following selection criteria:

  • fit to the early career specification: evidence that you can reasonably identify with description of a ‘early career’
  • benefit of membership: a clear rationale for wishing to join the ECF in mathematical sciences. Explanation of how membership will provide benefit to you and the mathematical sciences early career researcher community
  • fit to remit of the Mathematical Sciences theme: evidence how your research is relevant to the scope of the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences theme
  • team work and communications: evidence of communication and team-working skills when representing a collective opinion, including reaching a consensus when faced with different opinions
  • two-way communication: evidence of your willingness to facilitate two-way communication between EPSRC and the early career mathematical sciences research community

Due to the considerable number of applications expected, EPSRC will not be providing feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

Further information

Useful links

These links are useful background reading:

A list of current ECF members is available on the Mathematical Sciences theme web page, under the governance, management and panels section.

Contact details

If you wish to discuss eligibility, contact the Mathematical Sciences team.


Last updated: 17 October 2024

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