STFC apprenticeships

If you are looking for an apprenticeship, you won’t find anywhere quite like the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) to begin your career. We work with incredibly advanced technologies and equipment on some of the most exciting research, engineering and computing projects around.

Engineering Apprenticeships at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Daresbury Laboratory

Our four-year advanced engineering apprenticeship is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and is a great way to start your engineering career.

The first year is spent with a training provider where you will learn fundamental hand-skills.

At Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Harwell, Oxfordshire) your first year will be spent at Oxfordshire Advanced Skills at Culham.

At Daresbury Laboratory (Cheshire) your first year will be spent at Riverside College and Cronton Sixth Form College, Widnes.

In years two to four you will continue your apprenticeship, rotating between departments and learning by being directly involved on projects in our exciting facilities, as well as continuing your academic studies on day release.

Computing Apprenticeships at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Computing is essential to the science that STFC supports. We need keen individuals to support us in the development of new software and systems. We are recruiting Computing apprentices to work at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Harwell, Oxfordshire).

You will be based in a group with computing professionals in one of the STFC departments. During the apprenticeship scheme you will rotate between several departments gaining a range of experience. These placements will complement formal training and are developed to support you as you work towards a BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions Degree.

Other Apprenticeships at STFC

We have roles based at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in south Oxfordshire and at our Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire.

Other apprenticeship opportunities include ICT, Business Admin, Heating & Ventilation and Carpentry apprenticeships.

Apprenticeship opportunities are advertised as vacancies arise and are advertised below, on Indeed, the National Apprenticeship Service website, the UCAS website and on our social media pages (Twitter: @STFC_Matters LinkedIn: STFC).

Case Studies

Engineering Apprenticeships

Name: Emily Galvin

Job role: 2nd year Mechanical Apprentice

I chose the apprenticeship scheme as I’m a much better hands-on learner, and I was also drawn to STFC and Diamond due to my love of science and scientific research.

I have enjoyed the fact that we are learning in a workshop alongside professionals who provide us with our learning experiences and give us first-hand advice – it feels like such a nice environment and makes you feel part of the team.

STFC and Diamond are exciting places to work as there is always something new going on, and lots of opportunities to take part in programs outside of your job description. The thing that has given me the most pride so far is that after just a few weeks of being onsite I am involved in real projects which will be a part of real experiments going on around the laboratory facilities.

There are many learning opportunities, initially there are the mandatory BTEC and NVQ qualifications, but there is also the possibility of furthering your education with a HNC, HND and even a degree. But it is not only the academic learning STFC and Diamond offer but many other training opportunities such as team building and leadership, and much more.

Name: Max Rippington

Job role: 3rd Year Electrical Apprentice

After spending my first year at college learning general engineering principles I came back to STFC and started in my first placement in a brand new facility within RAL Space. Due to the building being very new there were many tasks that needed to be completed in a short period of time, so I was put to work immediately. My first task was to build a power supply that energises temperature data loggers. I was a bit daunted by this knowing that the supply would be used in a real-world situation but felt very proud when I had completed it.

During your apprenticeship at RAL and DLS apprentices typically spend three months in various workshop placements on site which is great as you get to see the wide range of activities, tasks and experiments which are carried out and the amount of knowledge gained is phenomenal.

I love every minute working for the STFC and Diamond facilities and feel very fortunate to have gained a place on the apprentice scheme. The training I am receiving at college and work experience gained back at STFC have all been of a first-class quality and I cannot wait to see what the future has to offer me.

Name: Max Williams

Job role: 3rd Year Electronics Apprentice

I joined the STFC and Diamond Engineering scheme after I finished my A levels. I was interested in an engineering career, looking at various schemes this one appealed the most. This was because of the amazing opportunities offered and the vast experience I would gain. Combined with my hobby of electronics I can work in a really interesting field whilst gaining recognised qualifications without gaining the debt associated with University.

The thing I have enjoyed most by far is the variety of work I have been involved in, every task I have done so far has been different and I think this is what stands out the most because it never gets repetitive and every job is really interesting.

Working at STFC and Diamond is really enjoyable, everyone on site is very friendly and approachable and willing to help and train you, this is really nice when you start somewhere new and helps you settle in very quickly. Working for STFC and Diamond has the added benefit of being flexible, especially with your working hours which can be really useful and definitely a positive.

Computing Apprenticeship

Name: Simon

Job role: 2nd Year Computing Apprentice

Location: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, Oxfordshire

I joined the STFC apprenticeship scheme as I liked the idea of learning whilst working. Completing a qualification simultaneously with dedicated days allocated each week is ideal and suits my learning style.

I am enjoying my apprenticeship as I have been exposed to so many new technologies and learning how they fit in at STFC. Learning the fundamentals at college is good, but the extra experience and knowledge gained at STFC is invaluable. I am learning a variety of skills ranging from programming and networking to essay writing.

Working for STFC is very enjoyable. The atmosphere around campus is sociable and relaxed while still decidedly professional.

For further information visit the STFC Careers website.

Our apprentices in video

Take a look at what some of our apprentices have to say about their time here:

Max Williams

Jack Harper

Kathryn Mordecai

Harry Nolan


If you have any questions regarding the Apprentice Scheme, please contact:

Last updated: 21 February 2024

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