Particle Physics Technology Advisory Panel (PPTAP)

The European Strategy for Particle Physics Update, which was published in June 2020, identified the immediate need for active research and development (R&D) programmes for future detectors and accelerators. The establishment of R&D roadmaps was entrusted to the European Collaboration for Future Accelerators (ECFA) in the case of detector R&D, and the European Laboratory Directors Group (ELDG) for the critical technologies associated with accelerators.

The purpose of the Particle Physics Technology Advisory Panel (PPTAP) is to provide a link between Executive Board, Council, Technology and Accelerator Advisory Board (TAAB), and the community, to produce a coherent UK position on the development of the R&D roadmaps related to the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update. It is recognised that the UK will benefit from a coherent and strategic approach to future R&D in these fields that plays to the UK’s strengths.

Work on both the ECFA and ELDG roadmaps started in late 2020 and is expected to be completed and reported to CERN Council by summer 2021. Each activity will draw on input from a number of working groups made up of experts from member states, including PPTAP in the UK. PPTAP was established and met for the first time in late 2020, and the lifetime of the panel will coincide with that of the European roadmapping process, expected to conclude in summer 2021. PPTAP is therefore expected to complete its activities and its final report to TAAB and Executive Board by autumn 2021.



Paula Chadwick, Durham University



  • Deepa Angal-Kalinin, ASTeC STFC

Training and skills:

  • Robert Appleby, Cockcroft Institute Manchester

Advanced RF:

  • Graeme Burt Cockcroft, Institute Daresbury


  • Chris Rogers, ISIS STFC


  • Ben Shepherd, ASTeC STFC

High gradient:

  • Matthew Wing, University College London


Training and skills:

  • Adrian Bevan, QMUL


  • Kai Bongs, University of Birmingham


  • Rob Halsall, Technology STFC

Gas and liquid:

  • Kimberly Palladino, University of Oxford


  • Angela Romano, University of Birmingham and CERN


  • Craig Sawyer, Particle Physics, STFC

Solid state:

  • Eva Vilella, University of Liverpool


  • Iacopo Vivarelli, University of Sussex



  • Neil Chue Hong, EPCC Centre, Edinburgh


  • Tim Scanlon, University College London



  • Phil Burrows, John Adams Institute

National Lab Director:

  • Jim Clarke, ASTeC STFC

Associate Director:

  • Charlotte Jamieson, Programmes, STFC

National Lab Director:

  • Dave Newbold, Particle Physics, STFC

National Lab Director:

  • Anna Orlowska, Technology STFC


  • Peter Ratoff, Cockcroft Institute

RECFA and Chair LDG R&D:

  • Max Klein, University of Liverpool

Meeting dates

PPTAP will be meeting monthly in 2021, prior to presenting its outcomes and report to the STFC TAAB and Executive Board ahead of CERN Council in the autumn.

PPTAP community survey

This survey explored the need for R&D towards new technologies, that would in turn support the infrastructure and facilities underlying the science programme. PPTAP sought input on a range of technology options that could represent R&D trajectories toward well-defined scientific objectives in the 2040s and beyond. Key themes relevant to PPTAP were scale and ambition, affordability, sustainability (in all its forms) and international cooperation and leadership.

UK input to the ECFA detector R&D roadmap

The ECFA roadmap process grew out of the updated European strategy process. The goals are that the roadmap should be developed by the community to balance the detector R&D efforts in Europe, taking into account progress with emerging technologies in adjacent fields. The roadmap should also identify and describe a diversified detector R&D portfolio that has the greatest potential to enhance the performance of the particle physics programme in the mid term and long term.

The Roadmap Panel is organised in technology categories.

A series of symposia has been organised over spring. The symposia are aimed to engage the community in a discussion informed by technology experts, to understand the status of the relevant R&D activities and to help formulate the appropriate emphasis on R&D to meet detector technology needs for the future scientific programme.

See the list of the symposia.

In view of the symposia, the task forces are encouraging input from the community.

See all questionnaires.

We would like to encourage the broadest reaction from the UK detector community. In particular, inputs to the following task forces are more than welcome:

  • TF1: gaseous detectors
  • TF2: liquid detectors
  • TF3: solid state detectors
  • TF4: photon detectors and particle identification detectors
  • TF5: quantum sensors and emerging technologies
  • TF7: electronics and on-detector processing
  • TF9: training.

Feedback can be sent by email to the national UK contact for ECFA (, or to the ECFA task forces directly.

All task forces will accept inputs also beyond the indicative deadlines listed in the individual documents.


Read the PPTAP report.

Terms of reference

Download the terms of reference.

PPTAP is tasked to:

  • develop a coherent, strategic and holistic approach to planning of particle physics and the associated accelerator R&D activities within the European context
  • consult and interact with the wider community (university groups and NLD departments) to ensure its views are canvassed and there is an appropriate and effective route for communication with STFC
  • work to establish the need for UK particle physics and associated accelerator R&D activities, in the context of the overall PP projects roadmap, as well as the current level of expertise and relevant activity within the UK
  • maintain an overview of the ECFA and ELDG road mapping activities, and participate in roadmapping expert panels
  • liaise with other advisory panels as appropriate.


David Brown, Panel Secretary
Nicky Bladen-Hovell, Panel Coordinator


Last updated: 22 August 2022

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