Rutherford Appleton Laboratory


Software Engineering Group

Encouraging the development of high quality and sustainable software by the use of software engineering tools and techniques.

The Software Engineering Group’s (SEG) main activities centre around practical and applicable software engineering. The area of software engineering is vast and SEG’s focus is on techniques and software that will help in the development of good quality and sustainable software by groups involved in computational science research. A fundamental component of many of these applications is the use of high performance and parallel computing and we recognise the drive for ever greater efficiency. Therefore we aim to make our suggestions pragmatic and not dogmatic.

Key facts

Areas of interest to the SEG are:

  • practical software engineering for computational science
  • software Quality Assurance (QA): methods and tools
  • software re-engineering/re-factoring and transformation
  • automated testing and continuous integration.

A major focus of SEG’s activities was the Software Engineering Support Centre (SESC) – a five year programme funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to support good software development practices in computational science.

The group also has interest in the application of agent-based modelling techniques and algorithms for image analysis and quantification.

SEG is always interested in collaboration with software engineering or applications driven groups and will also provide advice and support to UK funded research activities.


For more information about the Software Engineering Group contact:

Catherine Jones


Last updated: 31 March 2022

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