Daresbury Laboratory


The Visualisation Group

The Visualisation Group is part of the Technology Division within the Scientific Computing Department (SCD). It was founded to support, maintain and develop visualisation software and skills for large projects and user communities in the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and beyond.

This includes working with the Hartree Centre, hosting their visualisation facilities to connect outputs from some of the largest computers in the UK making them human understandable; with the Innovate UK Space Application Catapult and ESA producing bespoke solutions for their data analytical and command and control needs; creating data gathering and visualisation workflows to control the computational processes and providing specialist high-end equipment within the centres that are near to the main STFC image capturing x-ray, neutron and laser facilities.

The group is developing high-end visualisation centres within STFC, with the key objective to consider the human-in-the-loop as an integral part to pre- mid- and post-data visualisation from the major facilities, from archived data stores and from computational simulations. This is a key component to increasing the efficiency of the major STFC facilities allowing researchers’ experiments and simulations to be controlled, changed and even stopped on the fly.

The group has an emphasis to work in harmony with collaborators across the STFC mission. To this end there are links to strategic partners; as well as the Hartree Centre this includes the Virtual Engineering Centre (University of Liverpool centre based in Daresbury Laboratory), the Harwell Imaging Partnership (based in the RAL campus), the Collaborative Computational Projects (CCPs based across SCD) and a range of projects with other teams and groups within SCD and STFC.


For more information about the Visualisation Group, contact:

Trish Mullins

Email: trish.mullins@stfc.ac.uk

Last updated: 31 March 2022

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