Daresbury Laboratory


Magnetics and Radiation Sources Group

The Magnetics and Radiation Sources (MaRS) Group is part of the Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC). We are active in many projects, both national and international, which require expertise in magnet technology and magnet-based radiation sources such as undulators and free-electron lasers (FELs).

The group has a wide range of skills and experience, from detailed magnet modelling to synchrotron radiation emission calculations. We have designed, built and measured a wide variety of undulators and wigglers: our projects pages give further details of past, present and future work.

The group also has expertise in the simulation and design of FELs, which are a core component of many current and future light source projects. We are also leading the experimental programme on the ALICE infra-red FEL.

We have many years experience of designing, procuring and testing electromagnets for particle accelerators. We have expertise in DC, AC and pulsed electromagnets.

Find all MaRS group publications in the e-publication archive.

Last updated: 31 March 2022

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