Publishing your research findings


Open access funding and reporting

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) provides funding to support its open access policy.

Open access publication costs for research articles in-scope of the policy are supported via an open access block grant to research organisations.

Open access publications costs for monographs, book chapters and edited collections (long-form publications) in-scope of the policy are supported by a dedicated open access fund that research organisations can apply to.

Guidance on these two funding mechanisms is provided in the following sections.

You cannot usually claim these costs from your research grant, but see some exceptions below for long-form publications.

If you are a researcher funded by UKRI and expect to pay any costs to publish a research article, monograph, book chapter or edited collection, you should speak to your research organisation as early as possible. They will give advice on open access funding available to you and the process to access this.

Open access fund for long-form publications

If you will be publishing a monograph, book chapter or edited collection on or after 1 January 2024 it will need to be made open access. See our guidance on making your research publications open access.

UKRI has introduced a dedicated £3.5 million fund to support open access costs for long-form publications within scope of this new policy.

Funding can be used to support costs to make the Version of Record immediately open access with a Creative Commons licence.

Funding is not available for delayed open access of the Version of Record or self-archiving of the Author’s Accepted Manuscript, but you can still comply with our open access policy via these routes if the publication is made open access within 12 months of publication. See our open access policy guidance.

If you are planning to publish a publication in-scope of UKRI’s open access policy and expect to pay for open access, you should contact the team responsible for open access in your organisation as early as possible.

Your research organisation will need to apply to the fund on your behalf for each in-scope publication.

Your research organisation may also have an open access publishing arrangement with some publishers.

In exceptional circumstances, such as if you are no longer employed by a research organisation, you may be able to directly apply to the fund. We have produced a guidance document to provide more information about this process, but you should contact for advice before applying.

From 31 October 2023, it is no longer permitted to include publication costs for long-form publications in-scope of the open access policy in research funding applications.

An exception to this is anticipated costs for clearing rights for third-party materials such as images that will be needed to publish your research. These should continue to be included in research funding applications. As detailed below, some additional funding for these costs may also be available via the open access fund.

If you have included open access costs in your grant application, you must use this funding for open access publications instead of applying to the dedicated fund.

If your monograph, book chapter or edited collection was published before 1 January 2024, there is no requirement to publish open access.

How to apply for funding for long-form publications

The open access fund for monographs, book chapters and edited collections opened for stage one applications from research organisations on 28 November 2023.

Stage two applications for funding opened on 15 January 2024, see Open access fund for longform publications: stage two.

Guidance for research organisations is provided in the following section.

The fund has a two-stage application process:

Stage one: the research organisation registers the output(s) with UKRI for funding via an online form hosted by Citizen Space. A publishing contract does not need to have been signed at this stage. UKRI will review the application and confirm if the output(s) will be eligible for funding.

Stage two: the research organisation provides confirmation of publication to UKRI to enable the release of funds. This stage is completed via UKRI’s Funding Service (see Open access fund for longform publications: stage two funding opportunity).

See our guidance for UKRI’s open access fund for long-form publications, which includes:

  • PDF versions of the forms for stages one and two
  • Excel spreadsheet that will need to be completed and copied into the Funding Service form
  • additional guidance and resources

In-scope outputs published seven or more years after the formal end of a UKRI-funded project will not be eligible for UKRI open access funding. UKRI will not expect such outputs to be made open access, although open access is encouraged. This threshold recognises that longform outputs can be published many years after the end of a UKRI-funded project, and over time the link between will likely become less substantial.

Information requested at stage one includes:

  • name of research organisation
  • UKRI funding reference
  • author name(s)
  • title of publication
  • name of publisher
  • estimated cost, if known

Information requested at stage two includes:

  • date of publication
  • confirmation of immediate open access publication with a Creative Commons licence (confirmed by, for example, a URL or DOI)
  • financial information, and related invoices
  • any changes to the information provided at stage one

We hosted webinars for library and research support staff in research organisations who support open access. See the outputs from these events on YouTube:

UKRI has also created guidance videos to support organisations who are accessing and using the Funding Service, which organisations may find helpful ahead of submitting an application to stage two. These include:

Eligible costs

We will support a range of open access models via this fund, including subscribe to open agreements, also known as ‘diamond’ or collective models, book processing charges and book chapter processing charges.

UKRI will contribute up to the following maximums:

  • £10,000 for book processing charges
  • £1,000 for chapter processing charges
  • £6,000 for participation in an alternative open access model (not exceeding the total cost of participation), UKRI will fund up to another £3,000 where there are two or more eligible outputs

These amounts are inclusive of VAT, where applicable.

Up to £2,000 within the funding maximum for an output can be applied for to support costs associated with clearing permissions for third-party content to be included in the open access version of the publication. However, these costs should be accounted for in grant applications, where possible.

The fund cannot be used to pay of costs exclusively associated with the production and distribution of print versions of longform publications, or production costs that are charged or invoiced in addition to open access costs.

Outputs published seven or more years after the formal end of the funding to which the publication relates are not eligible to be supported by the fund. UKRI will not expect such outputs to be made open access, although open access is encouraged. UKRI will accommodate production delays that have occurred after the submission of the accepted manuscript to the publisher, and will also accommodate extenuating circumstances, such as those relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Stage two payment periods

Stage two applications can be submitted at any time.

UKRI will make two payments each year for stage two open access applications, in the June and December pay-runs.

Organisations can submit multiple stage two applications during each application period but should note that all eligible applications will be consolidated into a single grant per period.

Applications for open access funding received in the April to October application period will be paid in December.

Applications received in the October to April application period will be paid in June.

We aim to keep the end of the two applications periods for stage two applications to mid-April and mid-October each year.

June 2025 payments

Applications must be received between 15 October 2024 to 15 April 2025

December 2025 payments

Applications must be received between 16 April 2025 to 14 October 2025

Open access block grants for research articles

Open access block grants are given to eligible UK-based research organisations that receive UKRI funding. They can be used to cover costs relating to research articles that enable research organisations to meet the aims of UKRI’s open access policy.

The amount an organisation receives is calculated using an algorithm that uses directly incurred and directly allocated staff costs on UKRI awards as a proxy for research volume. For administrative reasons, only organisations eligible to receive a block grant of £5,000 or more are offered awards. Block grants awarded from 2022 onwards can be found on Gateway to Research.

Research organisations can use the funding for a wide variety of activities that enable them to comply with the policy.

Further details about what the block grant can and cannot be used for are provided in the open access block grant terms and conditions and UKRI open access policy and supplementary frequently asked questions (FAQs).

The Final Expenditure Statements (FES) for the 2024 to 2025 block grant will be issued on 31 March 2025, with a latest return date of 30 June 2025.

Funding assurance for block grants

Research organisations no longer need to submit a block grant spend returns form.

To seek assurance that the block grant has been spent in line with eligible costs, research organisations will be required to provide high-level information about their spend against the block grant through their Final Expenditure Statement, as is standard for grants, and the block grants will be part of Funding Assurance Reviews.

Research organisations will need to demonstrate they have the appropriate process in place to ensure the funding is used for its intended purpose. For example, this could include appropriate governance, as well as effective financial and risk management systems. Additional guidance can be found in the UKRI open access policy and supplementary FAQs.

We are developing the details of how the open access block grant will be integrated into UKRI’s existing funding assurance programme, as part of our wider work on monitoring and evaluation of the policy. See implementing our open access policy.

Ask a question about UKRI open access funding

Check for an existing answer in the UKRI open access policy and supplementary FAQs.

If you can’t find an answer to your question in the FAQs, contact us at email

Last updated: 11 February 2025

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