Our corporate plan

The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) corporate plan sets out our ambitions for the next three years with a focus on activities for 2022 to 2023.

The plan highlights the integrated capability of our councils and provides an overview of their shared activities across UKRI, including our plans to streamline our operational expenditure.

It builds on our five-year strategy and describes how we will deliver our vision, mission and six strategic objectives over the next three years.

Our six strategic objectives are:

  • people and careers: making the UK the most attractive destination for talented people and teams from the UK and around the world
  • places: securing the UK’s position as a globally leading research and innovation nation with outstanding institutions, infrastructures, sectors and clusters across the breadth of the country
  • ideas: advancing the frontiers of human knowledge and innovation by enabling the UK to seize opportunities from emerging research trends, multidisciplinary approaches and new concepts and markets
  • innovation: delivering the government’s vision for the UK as an innovation nation, through concerted action of Innovate UK and wider UKRI
  • impacts: focusing the UK’s world-class science and innovation to target global and national challenges, create and exploit tomorrow’s technologies, and build the high-growth business sectors of the future
  • organisation: supported by a world-class organisation, making UKRI the most efficient, effective and agile organisation it can be.

Read the UKRI corporate plan 2022 to 2025

Read the UKRI corporate plan update 2023 to 2024

Last updated: 6 October 2023

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