Cohort training review

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) invests in studentships delivered through the cohort training model in the form of Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs). As the end of the first DTP awards approaches and with four DTP2 cohorts now recruited, we have reviewed the cohort training offer to inform future commissioning of postgraduate training.

Independent research informing review

Independent agency Pye Tait Consulting was contracted to conduct research to:

  • underpin a review of the cohort training model
  • inform commissioning of future doctoral investments
  • support strategic decision-making for our talent and skills investments

This research comprised two elements:

  • an online survey open to all who wished to provide feedback on DTPs and CDTs
  • a series of roundtable discussions for DTP and CDT directors, deputy directors and administrators, with specific sessions for student representatives

The Cohort Training Review report is now available.

The Cohort Training Review will be used to inform NERC’s strategy for future commissioning of studentships. It will also inform the transition towards collective working across UK Research and Innovation and the new deal for postgraduate research.

Last updated: 16 March 2023

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