How ESRC is governed

ESRC Council

The ESRC Council advises the Executive Chair and UKRI Board on social science activity.

Read more about the ESRC Council.

Senior leadership team

The ESRC senior leadership team (SLT) has responsibility to ensure appropriate decisions are taken and guidance given to continue the effective operation of the organisation.

See members of the senior leadership team.

Executive Chair

The Executive Chair is responsible for the implementation of UKRI policies and decisions, and for the overall management of the ESRC office.

Read more about the Executive Chair.

Strategic advisory network

The strategic advisory network (SAN) provides the office with strategic and agile expert advice and support and is designed to complement the work of Council.

Read more about the strategic advisory network.

Data and infrastructure, skills and methods expert advisory group

The data and infrastructure, skills and methods expert advisory group (EAG) complements ESRC’s existing governance structures by providing more detailed consideration of investments in data and infrastructure, and skills and methods.

Find out more about the EAG.

ESRC office

We have around 170 staff working across several teams.

See the teams and strategic leads.

Declarations of interest

Good governance in public sector organisations recognises the need to have arrangements in place that prevent, counter and deal with potential conflicts of interest.

The SLT and Council members are required to declare any private, professional or commercial interests that might conceivably conflict with the interests of ESRC.

See the ESRC register of interests.

Last updated: 12 September 2023

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