Appointments assurance committee

The Appointments Assurance Committee (AAC) is a subcommittee of EPSRC Council.

The AAC provides assurance and advice to the Executive Chair on appointments to EPSRC’s strategic advisory bodies including the Science, Engineering and Technology Board (SETB) and Strategic Advisory Teams (SATs). It also provides advice on EPSRC Council’s own composition and recruitment.

Terms of reference

The Appointments Assurance Committee (AAC) is a subcommittee of EPSRC Council and reports directly to Council.

Members of the subcommittee are agreed by Council. The subcommittee comprises the executive chair of EPSRC, the senior independent member (SIM) of Council, and two other ordinary members of Council.

The AAC provides assurance and advice to the Executive Chair on appointments to EPSRC’s strategic advisory bodies including the Science, Engineering and Technology Board (SETB) and Strategic Advisory Teams (SATs). It also provides advice on EPSRC Council’s own composition and recruitment.

The AAC will consider and review the recruitment process to provide assurance that open, inclusive and transparent nomination and selection processes have been followed. In addition, the subcommittee is responsible for ensuring that due consideration has been given to diversity issues including ethnicity, gender, career stage, place, institution, and appropriate representation of industry and academia.

The committee conducts its business by correspondence and will, as necessary, raise concerns on recommendations made to it, where, for example, it believes that the stated processes have not been followed.


  • Charlotte Deane, EPSRC Executive Chair, Professor of Structural Bioinformatics, University of Oxford
  • Jeremy Baumberg, EPSRC Council Senior Independent Member, Professor of Nanophotonics, University of Cambridge

Two additional committee members are still to be confirmed.

Last updated: 20 December 2024

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