Insect Pollinators Initiative evaluation

A specialist review panel has conducted an independent evaluation of the multi-funder Insect Pollinators Initiative.

Read the Evaluation of the multi-funder Insect Pollinators Initiative.

Read the Evaluation of the multi-funder Insect Pollinators Initiative: Appendices.


Our objectives are:

  • to assess the quality and international standing of the research supported by IPI
  • to assess the outcomes and achievements of the research supported through IPI, including the accessibility of the data, tools and resources produced
  • to consider the potential economic and societal impacts of the research supported through IPI and the extent to which it is likely to inform the management and conservation of insect pollinators
  • to examine the coordination and management of IPI, including the effectiveness of the coordinator’s role and of workshops and other networking activities
  • to comment on the effectiveness of the funders working together to deliver IPI

And to examine the extent to which IPI:

  • fostered collaboration between researchers from different disciplines
  • built capacity and capability in UK pollinator research
  • fostered knowledge exchange between researchers and stakeholders, and engagement with the public.

Evaluation findings

The panel based their findings on information from researchfish® and the results of questionnaire surveys from:

  • IPI grant holders
  • a sample of relevant stakeholders
  • the IPI coordinator
  • IPI funding organisations


Corporate Policy and Strategy


Last updated: 31 March 2022

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