Strategy Advisory Panels (SAPs) are crucial in guiding the strategic direction of bioscience research and innovation for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
The Bioscience for an Integrated Understanding of Health Strategy Advisory Panel focuses on understanding the fundamental biological mechanisms of healthy systems across the life course to enhance both animal and human health and wellbeing.
Terms of reference
BBSRC’s SAPs provide expert insight to develop, monitor, and provide assurance on BBSRC’s research and innovation decisions in the context of the wider landscape, and make recommendations on how strategic areas of relevance are prioritised.
The panels also work to identify emerging strategic opportunities through:
- horizon-scanning
- advice on the most effective intervention
- providing constructive challenge and assurance that BBSRC’s ideas, policies, and strategies are fit for purpose, taking into account all necessary stakeholder perspectives
The SAP panels also monitor and benchmark existing activities, investments, and their impacts both in the UK and globally, while considering the relevant ethical, legal, and social context. Our panels aim to reflect the diversity of thought and experience across the bioscience community, spanning academia, industry and policy.
The Bioscience for an Integrated Understanding of Health SAP panel provides advice to BBSRC on a broad range of topics, spanning the four challenge areas identified in the Bioscience for an Integrated Understanding of Health Strategic Framework:
- ageing and health across the life course
- food and nutrition for health
- combatting infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance
- transformative technologies for health
See more details about the challenge areas and guiding principles.
Panel membership
The panel members include:
- Professor Lisa Collins (Chair), University of Surrey
- Professor Michael Barnes, Queen Mary University of London
- Professor Melissa Bateson, University of Newcastle
- Professor Alicia El-Haj, University of Birmingham
- Professor Gary Entrican, Roslin Institute
- Moira Howie, Independent Scientific Advisor
- Professor Zoe Kourtzi, University of Cambridge
- Professor John McLaughlin, University of Central Lancashire
- Professor David Paterson, University of Oxford
- Professor Paul Shiels, University of Glasgow
- Dr Martin Turner, Babraham Institute
- Tina Woods, Collider Health
Previous meeting dates
- 19 to 20 March 2024
- 30 November to 1 December 2023
Last updated: 22 November 2024