How AHRC is governed

AHRC’s council is responsible for the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s (AHRC) overall strategic direction and financial management.

AHRC council

AHRC is governed by its council, which is responsible for overall strategic direction and financial management.

Read more about  the AHRC council.

Executive chair

AHRC’s chief executive is Professor Christopher Smith.

Read more about the executive chair.

Senior leadership team

The senior leadership team is responsible for AHRC’s day-to-day operations.

See the senior leadership team.

Nominations and remuneration committee

UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) nominations and remuneration committee is responsible for advising the AHRC council on matters relating to remuneration and other pay-related matters for senior staff members.

Read more about  the nominations and remuneration committee.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board advises the AHRC council on developing strategies that reflect AHRC’s Royal Charter and the challenges facing arts and humanities research. It develops and recommends priorities, programmes, and other initiatives that will deliver AHRC’s strategies, and monitor and report on their progress.

See the Advisory Board.

Peer Review College

AHRC is fundamentally committed to competitive bidding and assessment by a peer review process. Peer Review College (PRC) members form a key part of this system, which is designed to ensure that peer review is conducted with the utmost attention to fairness and transparency, and to the requirements of academic rigour. The senior leadership team oversees managing the PRC.

Read about the Peer Review College.

Peer review panels

AHRC convenes non-standing panels from the membership of its Peer Review College. Panels meet when necessary according to the requirements of the scheme for which they provide final grades and ranks.

See the peer review panels.

Last updated: 21 December 2023

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