Board and panel outcomes – STFC

UKRI publishes information about the funding decisions made by research council boards and panels.

This lets you find out how a grant application did compared with other applications assessed at the same board or panel meeting. It can also inform an organisation’s grant application activity and help improve the quality of applications.

STFC aims to publish outcomes within one month of each board or panel making the final funding decision.

The nature of some of our grants means we cannot show them in board and panel outcomes. For example, we rank our consolidated grants in astronomy, particle physics and nuclear physics by the constituent projects rather than by the grants themselves. For grants like these, we let applicants know how their application did compared to others in written feedback.

Further details about an awarded grant are published on Gateway to Research, which is updated monthly with newly awarded grants.

Outcomes from 2017

21st century challenges network, 2018 to 2019

Africa-UK physics partnership collaborative research projects ranking list, 2024

Astronomy grants panel small award, 2023

BBSRC-STFC facility access funding for bioscience partnerships

Challenge lead applied systems programme (CLASP), 2018 to 2020

Early stage research and development call 2022 to 2023

Ernest Rutherford fellowships, 2017 to 2023

Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), 2018

Horizons Net Zero funding opportunity, 2021

Industrial CASE studentships, 2018 to 2023

Innovations partnership scheme (IPS) capital, 2019

Knowledge exchange, 2017 to 2020

Late-stage commercialisation scheme

Nucleus awards

Public engagement (PE) legacy, nucleus and SPARK awards

Quantum technologies for fundamental physics (QTFP) programme

STFC leadership fellowships in public engagement, 2018

STFC-NARIT Newton Fund, 2019

STFC Newton Thailand, 2017

UK-Canada quantum for science research collaborations

Outcomes before 2017

STFC board and panel outcomes before 2017 are not available.

Comparing funding cut-off points

We make funding decisions in circumstances unique to each panel meeting. You should not compare the funding cut-off points made in different meetings.

We cannot consider challenges to, or enquiries about decisions based on these kinds of comparisons.

You must wait for official confirmation before making any commitments against your award.

Last updated: 3 January 2025

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