Résumé Resources Library: support for adopting narrative CVs 

The Résumé Resources Library (RRL) hosts a range of materials designed to support people and organisations in the adoption and use of narrative CVs.

These resources have been co-created by members of the research and innovation (R&I) community, for the community, helping share best practice and to align approaches for efficiencies across the global R&I sector.

See how UKRI is supporting the community adoption of R4R-like narrative CVs.

Why the Résumé Resources Library was created

The Résumé Resources Library was created to share best practice wherever possible and align approaches to support the widespread adoption of narrative CVs.

The communities of practice (Joint Funder Group and Alternatives Uses Group) which formed to support each other as they embarked on adopting narrative CVs themselves, wanted to also support others on this journey.

The Résumé Resources Library hosts their co-created resources and learning.

It supports and encourages an aligned approach that helps:

  • reviewers and applicants who engage with many organisations, in different countries, disciplines and sectors across the global R&I system to have a consistent experience
  • those at different stages of the journey of narrative CV adoption, in different countries, sectors and disciplines, to benefit from prior R&I community learning

Together this helps support widespread adoption of narrative CVs and greater alignment with key agendas such as:

  • responsible research assessment
  • equality, diversity and inclusion
  • career, skills and talent development
  • reducing unnecessary bureaucracy
  • supporting career path diversity by enabling increased movement between roles, sectors and disciplines across the global R&I community

How to use the Résumé Resources Library

The Résumé Resources Library is organised into two main areas:

  • Funding uses Résumé Resources Library, where narrative CVs are being used in decisions about awards, grants or investments, and which may be of most use to funding organisations or those who make funding decisions
  • Alternative uses Résumé Resources Library, where narrative CVs are being used in processes beyond funding decisions, including recruitment, promotion, personal and professional development and web profiles, which could be of use to any research and innovation organisation

In each area there is:

  • an evolving set of resources for adoption, completion and review of narrative CVs
  • best practice on developing guidance and integration, and tools for training and evaluation

Users of the library can choose which resources they wish to engage with depending on where they are in their own journey towards adopting narrative CVs and in what context. There is no fixed format on what should be read first.

There will be opportunities to share anonymised data from local adoption of the CVs to help monitor for impacts across the wider R&I community, as well as inform sector-wide learning.

The Résumé Resources Library is updated regularly, so check often for the latest information.

Using the Résumé Resources Library materials

To support widespread adoption of narrative CVs, materials in the Résumé Resources Library are free to others to use, share and modify.

They are shared under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International – CC BY 4.0 which requires that the producers are acknowledged in any work which has benefitted or borrowed from the resources.

To comply with Creative Commons you must include the following text in replicated or adapted works:

The materials created for the Résumé Resources Library have been co-developed by the Joint Funders Group and the Alternative Uses Group. The use of any material(s) from the Résumé Resources Library is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 and requires that the Joint Funders Group and the Alternative Uses Group be acknowledged in any work which has benefitted or borrowed from the resources in replicated or adapted works.

Ask a question about the Résumé Resources Library

Contact us at email: culture@ukri.org

Find resources

For resources to support organisations, applicants and reviewers in the use of narrative CVs in funding decisions, browse the Funding uses Résumé Resources Library.

For support for organisations, applicants and reviewers in the use of narrative CVs in processes including recruitment, promotion, chartership and more, browse the Alternative uses Résumé Resources Library.

Last updated: 13 November 2024

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