Shaping our open access policy


How we decided on our open access policy

The UKRI open access policy was determined by the UKRI open access review, which took place from autumn 2018 to summer 2021.

To understand the changes to our policy and how decisions were made, see UKRI open access policy: explanation of policy changes.

UKRI open access review

The UKRI open access review sought to review UKRI’s existing open access policies and recommend an updated single open access policy for UKRI and all its councils.

The review included extensive engagement with stakeholders, including through meetings and public consultation. UKRI wishes to thank all stakeholders who contributed to the review.

Key activities undertaken by the review included:

The review was overseen by UKRI Executive Champions for Open Research, Professor Sir Duncan Wingham and David Sweeney. A steering group included senior representation from across UKRI and representation from the UK higher education funding bodies. The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Wellcome were observers.

The review reported to UKRI’s Board and Executive Committee and the Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation.

Ask about the UKRI open access review


Last updated: 14 September 2023

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