Data analysis by Royal Statistical Society and Alan Turing Institute
We have partnered with the Royal Statistical Society and Alan Turing Institute to conduct a detailed analysis of our peer review data over a ten year period. This exploratory report, published independently by the Royal Statistical Society has revealed new insights into our portfolio data. Read our response and planned actions following the report.
Diversity data on applications and award rates
Collecting and analysing diversity data supports our understanding of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) portfolio and is a key component of our equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy. We use diversity data to monitor policy implementation and identify areas of concern or underrepresentation.
This contextual information informs us of where problem areas exist and where we can take a strategic lead to focus our interventions to address the challenges. Through investigating the EPSRC portfolio, it is possible to observe changes in both the applicant and grant holder populations.
It is important for EPSRC to have a strong understanding of the diversity of our portfolio, as we support approximately one-third of the engineering and physical sciences (EPS) population at any given time. Therefore, any changes we make have the potential to have a large influence on the EPS community.
Diversity data for all seven research councils
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is committed to annually publishing harmonised diversity data for seven of the research councils.
Find data and trends on the diversity of funding applicants and recipients for each research council
Across UKRI, this information is being used to help identify challenges with respect to EDI so that we can take a strategic lead in working to address the challenges and promote EDI within the research and innovation landscape.
This analysis looks at grants by number of applications. Grant data by value is also available in the UKRI tableau dashboards.
EPSRC has undertaken a detailed investigation focused on gender to better understand the portfolio that we support linking grant size by value to award rates across our standard grants and calls. Our findings are reported in Understanding our portfolio: a gender perspective.
EPSRC has also undertaken a detailed ethnicity data investigation on our investigators, looking closely at the applications we receive and award rates for research grants and fellowships, as well as exploring participation in our peer review processes. See the findings in our detailed ethnicity analysis.
Diversity data related to peer review participation
We have published further diversity data to highlight the progress made to date to improve diversity in our peer review process, and the opportunities to continue to work with our communities to make further improvements. The data was published in response to a growing community interest in this information. It covers the academic years from 2014-15 to 2019-20, and includes diversity data by gender, age, ethnicity and disability for:
- the EPSRC Peer Review College
- the reviewer population invited to review proposals
- the reviewer population providing a usable review
- EPSRC internal and external panel membership
- EPSRC internal and external panel chairs
How to access the data
The peer review diversity data report has detailed information on how the dataset was produced, along with interpretative guidance and a summary of findings. Individual spreadsheets are also available giving the data for:
- EPSRC Peer Review College membership
- HESA academic staff population estimate
- chairs of EPSRC peer review panels
- membership of EPSRC peer review panels
- reviewers invited to submit reviews of EPSRC research proposals
- reviewers submitting usable reviews of EPSRC research proposals
Download the spreadsheets. The data can also be accessed via our interactive Tableau dashboards.
Last updated: 6 March 2025