STFC centres for doctoral training in data intensive science

Following the success of STFC’s previous investment in CDTs for data intensive science, a call was launched to continue funding in this area. The new call placed a stronger focus on innovation and working with industry, in order to provide students with the skills and expertise needed for careers both in and outside of academic.

The new CDT’s launched in 2022, and will train a minimum of 90 students (60 funded by STFC) over the duration of funding, each with experience of working in a non-academic sector through six-months placement outside their institution.

Funded centres


University of Cambridge CDT

University of Liverpool CDT
Partnered with Liverpool John Moores University

University of Sussex CDT
Partnered with Queen Marys University of London, and the Open University

NUdata STFC Centre For Doctoral Training In Data Intensive Science
Northumbria University CDT
Partnered with University of Newcastle

2016 CDTs

Following the call in 2016 for a Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in data intensive science, eight centres were set up for students starting in October 2017. STFC provided funding for this first cohort of 98 students. With further funding from the National Productivity Investment Fund, STFC were able to fund a further cohort of 27 students starting in October 2018.

Funded CDTs

STFC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Intensive Science

Cardiff University
University of Bristol
Swansea University

DISCnet – Data Intensive Science Centre in the South East Physics Network

University of Sussex
University of Southampton
University of Portsmouth
Queen Mary, University of London
Open University

UCL’s Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Intensive Science

University College London

Durham Data Intensive Science CDT

Durham University

Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Intensive Science

University of Cambridge

STFC CDT in Data Intensive Science

The University of Manchester
Lancaster University
The University of Sheffield

SCOTDIST: the Scottish Data Intensive Science Triangle

The University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
University of St Andrews


University of Liverpool
Liverpool John Moores University

Further information

Studentships Office


Last updated: 28 October 2024

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