Industrial CASE studentships

The STFC Industrial CASE (Cooperative Awards in Science and Technology) studentship competition provides support for PhD students to work in collaboration with a non-academic partner on projects that fall within the STFC core science programme in astronomy, particle physics, nuclear physics and accelerator science, or on projects that aim to apply technologies or techniques developed within the programme into other areas.

Projects involve joint supervision of the student by a member of staff at an academic research organisation or related institution and an employee of a non-academic organisation, such as a UK industrial business, public sector organisation or charity (the non-academic partner). This is administered by the Industrial CASE panel.

Industrial CASE-Plus studentships

Industrial CASE-Plus extends the Industrial CASE competition to help students become more effective in promoting technology transfer, should their chosen career path take them into either academic research or industry.

For the first three and a half years of the award, Industrial CASE-Plus operates in the same way as the Industrial CASE competition. The main difference is that the student spends a further year working full-time on the premises of the non-academic partner as an employee. During this additional year, the student is employed by the non-academic partner at a salary equivalent to that of a new STFC postdoctoral researcher.

2023 Industrial CASE studentship competition

Applicants wishing to apply for the 2023 Industrial CASE competition for students to start in October 2023 should apply via the UKRI funding finder: STFC: Industrial CASE and CASE plus studentship.

Conversion from standard research to Industrial CASE and Industrial CASE-Plus

Standard research studentship awards may be converted to Industrial CASE studentships at any time after the student is in post. Collaborative Training provides outstanding students with access to training, facilities and expertise not available in an academic setting alone. Students have an opportunity to develop a range of valuable skills and significantly enhance their future employability.

Industrial CASE students will receive an enhanced stipend.

Existing Industrial CASE studentships may be converted to Industrial CASE-Plus at any time up to the end of the second year.

The Industrial CASE Studentship collaborative training competition gives PhD students experience outside a purely academic environment. The competition provides support for students working on projects that involve joint supervision by a member of staff at an academic or related institution and an employee of a non-academic organisation such as a UK industrial firm, public sector organisation or charity. The projects must fall within the STFC core science programme in astronomy, particle physics and nuclear physics, or must aim to apply technologies or techniques developed within the programme into other areas.

Current CASE studentships

Open University and e2v technologies (UK) Ltd.:

  • Cryogenic irradiations: a realistic study of the impact of radiation on detectors in space
  • Mitigation strategies against radiation-induced instrument background for space astronomy missions
  • Correction of radiation-induced charge transfer inefficiency in CCDs for the SMILE mission

The University of Manchester and Datacentered:

Enabling cost-effective data analysis on the cloud.

University of Glasgow and Quantum Detectors Ltd:

Next^2 TEM Detection – Investigation of Hybrid Pixel Detectors for future Transmission Electron Microscopy imaging.

University of Oxford and FMB-Oxford:

Single-Shot Smith-Purcell Longitudinal Bunch Profile Monitor for CLARA with fs resolution.

Open University and Teledyne e2v:

In-orbit radiation damage in the Gaia focal plane: a study of in-orbit radiation damage, the future of pre-launch testing, and benefits to Euclid.

The University of Manchester and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust:

Validation of uptake, heterogeneity and shape metrics in clinical PET-CT using Monte Carlo Simulation and 3D printed anthropomorphic phantoms.

University of Surrey and National Physical Laboratory:

STFC Industrial CASE PhD Studentship in Precision Nuclear Metrology.

Imperial College London and National Physical Laboratory:

Development of a novel approach for the direct measurement of Effective dose in neutron and gamma fields.

Imperial College London and Maxeler Technologies Ltd:

Acceleration of trigger algorithms with FPGAs at the LHC implemented using higher-level programming languages.

Durham University and Kromek Group PLC:

Machine learning applied to galaxy formation and neutralising security threats.

University of Birmingham and Teledyne e2v (UK) Ltd:

Development and Evaluation of Radiation-Hard Segmented Fast Timing Detectors Based on Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) with Teledyne e2V

The University of Manchester and The Christie NHS Foundation: Trust

Determination of radiation dose to bone tumours during Molecular Radiotherapy using patient specific phantom imaging and Monte Carlo modelling.

Open University and Dynamic Imaging Analytics Limited:

Light-Field Motion Tracking in Laboratory Studies of Planet Formation.

Open University and Teledyne e2v:

EMCCD detector development for space applications: from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope to future mission opportunities.

University of Glasgow and Bridgeporth:

Wee-g: a wideband Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Sensor for applications in Gravity Surveying and Gravitational Wave Astronomy.

Queen Mary University of London and Atomic Weapons Establishment Plc:

Organic neutron detector development for future Nuclear Threat Reduction and Dark Matter experiments.

Queen Mary University of London and National Nuclear Laboratory:

Long range detection of alpha particles in air.

Open University and Teledyne e2v:

Infrared image sensors for space and Solar System exploration.

University of Oxford and Quantum Detectors Ltd:

Applying sub-nanosecond Timing Detectors Beyond Particle Physics.

University of Warwick and Andor Technology Ltd:

Precision Photometry with the new generation of fast readout Scientific CMOS Cameras.

University of Warwick and Photek Ltd:

Developing next generation fast-timing photon-detectors.

Contact us

You can ask us any questions you have about Industrial CASE or Industrial CASE-Plus.


Last updated: 8 August 2023

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