Guidance for Future Leaders Fellows

This guidance is for Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) fellows and host organisations who have made an application for funding or have been successful in earlier rounds and for panel members.

If you are applying to round eight, please go to the funding opportunity for details.

Manage your award

FLFs are subject to the standard UKRI terms and conditions.

Find general guidance on managing a UKRI award.

You should also refer to our specific guidance on managing a Future Leaders Fellowship award.

Future Leaders Fellowships panel membership

Our panels are organised to reflect the applications we receive in each round. You can view lists of members for our sift and interview panels for rounds one to six.

See membership of the FLF sift and interview panels.

Renewal scheme for current fellows

Successful applicants to the FLF scheme have the opportunity to extend their four-year fellowship by up to a further three years. The renewal funding will continue to support the development of a leading-edge fellow and further the fellow’s work to undertake adventurous, ambitious programmes that tackle difficult and novel challenges.

There will be three renewal panel meetings per year, and fellows are required to apply to the meeting that aligns with their end dates. See the FLF renewal funding opportunity for full details.

The renewal is not a substitute for a no-cost extension. For any queries regarding no-cost extensions please contact us at:

Ask a question about the renewal scheme

Contact us at:


Ask us about your fellowship

Contact us for further information at:


Last updated: 18 July 2023

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