Data collection

Information required

Details for all EPSRC-funded students should be submitted by the Research Organisation within one month of the student starting their doctoral studies. Each student record should also be checked and updated annually.

The information to be provided about EPSRC-funded studentships includes:

  • student information (name, date of birth, prior qualifications, gender and other characteristics)
  • project information (project titles; summaries)
  • funding (training grant the funding is drawn from such as stipend, fees, any co-funding, and dates for start, end and expected submission)
  • where the student is being trained (university, department, supervisor name); and project partners.

Students supported through EPSRC training grants are also expected to report their outcomes using researchfish®.

Send the information using the Joint Electronic System

All research councils use the Joint electronic submission (Je-S) to gather information about the studentships funded by training grants. This is available through the Studentship Details function.

Research Organisations are also required to return information via the Je-S submission rate survey on the date of submission of the student’s thesis.

Annual monitoring

UKRI has a harmonised annual monitoring form that collects information on all training investments. The annual monitoring allows UKRI to understand how the training grants are used across all organisations.

EPSRC will issue an annual monitoring template to the Grant Holder in summer each year that the grant is active and provide a deadline for when this information should be returned.

Institutions should ensure the grant holder details are correct (changes must be requested via Je-S) to ensure that the information is requested from the correct person. We are not able to send the request to another person, nor can we hold additional contact information.

What we do with the data

Data that will be made available on the research councils’ websites and other publicly available databases, including Gateway to Research, and in reports, documents and mailing lists will include the following:

  • student name (for students starting from 2015 onwards)
  • name(s) of project partner organisations and supervisors
  • project titles and topics
  • project summaries
  • registration and expected submission dates
  • numbers of students in particular regions, universities or departments in context of the Training Grant funding announced
  • aggregated information regarding demographics, student numbers, stipend levels, qualifications, age at start, migration levels (from first degree university to another) and so on.

EPSRC uses the project title and summary to classify projects in terms of Engineering and Physical Sciences research areas, research topics, sectors and socio-economic themes. EPSRC will use this information to monitor the portfolio of doctoral research being supported through training grants and inform planning.

Information provided on Training Grants may be used for processing the proposal or in relation to the administration of the Training Grant.

Use of submitted data may include:

  • registration and processing of proposals
  • operation of grants processing and management information systems
  • preparation of material for use by reviewers and peer review panels
  • administration, investigation and review of grant proposals
  • sharing proposal information on a strictly confidential basis with other funding organisations
  • to seek contributions to the funding of proposals
  • statistical analysis in relation to the evaluation of postgraduate training trends
    policy and strategy studies
  • meeting the research councils’ obligations for public accountability and the dissemination of information
  • making it available on the research council’s website and other publicly available databases, and in reports, documents and mailing lists.

Last updated: 27 August 2024

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