Obligations of the research organisation

Expectations of the host research organisation

It is expected that eligible research organisations that wish to submit fellowship proposals to EPSRC will identify a number of suitable candidates as specified by the guidelines and within the defined research area and career stage. Research organisations should only put forward the most suitable applicants.

For postdoctoral fellowship applicants research organisations must make sure that the aims and aspirations of the applicant are suitable for a fellowship application.

Support the applicant to ensure they have:

  • identified areas they need to improve on and how they intend to gain experience to meet these needs
  • considered their knowledge of ethical, responsible and inclusive research culture and thought about how they could further this knowledge
  • considered if they need a mentor, and what aspects of their development their mentor will help with.

Identifying additional support that the research organisation can provide will ensure successful project delivery and provide enhanced career development opportunities.

For Open fellowship applicants research organisations must:

  • make sure that the experience, aims and aspirations of the applicant are suitable for a fellowship application
  • commit to supporting the applicant to ensure their knowledge and expertise in implementing good practice in creating a modern and inclusive research environment is continually updated
  • identify the additional support the research organisation will provide to ensure successful project delivery and opportunities for the applicant to expand or enhance their current role.

For those applicants who are choosing to add the Plus component, indicate how the topic the applicant has chosen to champion fits the work your organisation is doing in this area, and how you will assist the applicant to lead their chosen area.

Host organisation statement

The host organisation statement must be signed by an appropriate Head of Department and describe how the organisation has fulfilled the relevant criteria outlined above. The statement should be on departmental or university headed paper, should be dated, and should clearly state the position held by the author (for example, Head of Department of Electrical Engineering).

Last updated: 15 November 2024

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