Area of investment and support

Area of investment and support: Joint programming initiative on agriculture, food security and climate change

The Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) promotes integration and alignment of national research resources and priorities in Europe under a common research strategy to address diverse challenges in agriculture, food security and climate change.

Since 2010
Partners involved:
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

The scope and what we're doing

The initiative was launched in 2010, and brought together 24 participating countries (European and global) that are committed to strengthening the integrated European Research Area (ERA), while addressing the challenges of sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition security, and impacts of climate change.

Find out more about FACCE-JPI on their website.

FACCE-JPI’s work is based on its strategic research agenda which describes the programme’s vision, mission and core areas of interest.

The core themes of the programme are:

  1. An agricultural sector that contributes to climate neutrality
  2. Sustainable and resilient agriculture
  3. Nutrition-sensitive agricultural production for food security
  4. Trade-offs and synergies between food production, ecosystems and climate

Read FACCE-JPI’s strategic research agenda on their website.

Based on the core themes, FACCE-JPI has instigated several actions:

  • knowledge networks
  • knowledge hubs
  • workshops
  • joint funding opportunities.

Find out more about these actions in the FACCE-JPI Implementation Plan on their website.

Why we're doing it

The Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change’s (FACCE-JPI) work will contribute to building a more resilient food system in the light of expected and unexpected changes and challenges ahead.

Past projects, outcomes and impact

By 2020, its 10-year anniversary, the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) had funded over 100 projects worth a total of €180 million, involving roughly 850 project partners. Their work resulted in 600 publications of high scientific quality and provided opportunities for a new generation for scientists by training over 300 PhD students.

Together with Defra, BBSRC is bringing UK-wide input into FACCE-JPI from a research, funding and policy perspective. This includes for example engaging with the Global Food Security programme which ensures a direct link to all relevant funders and policymakers in the UK.

The UK’s aim is to ensure the best opportunities for its research community, and that research outcomes inform national and global policy. Therefore, BBSRC has always been and continues to be involved in various FACCE-JPI research activities, including:

Who to contact

Anja Berndt


Last updated: 17 October 2022

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