Area of investment and support

Area of investment and support: Investor partnerships future economy programme

This programme brings together Innovate UK’s use of grant funding, and investor partners’ aligned funding and expertise.

Its aim is to stimulate research and development in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, while accelerating equity investment into those companies so that they can grow more rapidly through innovation.

The overall budget for this programme is £80 million over three years
Ongoing initiative with regular competitions, running from 2022 to 2025
Partners involved:
Innovate UK

The scope and what we're doing

The investor partnerships model is aimed at highly innovative micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who:

  • are carrying out research and development (R&D) projects
  • also seek aligned equity funding to deliver their technology or research

The model not only allows Innovate UK to directly fund companies who have a R&D project, but also encourages companies to seek equity investment so that they are not just funding their project, but also accessing capital from equity investment to grow their business.

Innovate UK has selected a ‘pool’ of investor partners who have demonstrated that they have the credibility, capability, capacity and appetite to invest in innovative, technology-led businesses in areas that align with our objectives in programme areas.

The investor partners will work with Innovate UK to consider innovative businesses that apply for grant funding alongside their investment. The investor partners include venture capital funds, corporate investors, business angel groups and social impact investors, coming from across the UK, Europe, and the US.

View the full list of investor partners.

The three-year programme was launched in 2022 with the scope focused on the ‘Future Economy’ described in Innovate UK’s plan for action. This focuses on the following themes:

  • net zero
  • health and wellbeing
  • next generation digital technologies
  • technology families

The investor partnership programme is focused on specific themes for the future economy. Please check the most recent competition brief to see what is in scope and how much funding is available.

Why we're doing it

The investor partnership programme tackles the challenges faced by highly innovative UK businesses with strong growth potential in accessing the finance required to grow and scale.

It does this by leveraging Innovate UK’s expertise, connections and grant funding while encouraging commercial investors to provide finance and business acumen to younger businesses operating in underserved markets.

Investor partnerships aim to address the ‘equity investment gap’ by encouraging highly innovative micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to attract investment that is aligned to research and development (R&D) grant support at an early stage, so that they are also better able to attract the necessary level of follow-on investment as they scale and grow.

This alignment aims to deliver impact through economic growth by ensuring that innovative businesses are adequately capitalised and by attracting additional equity investment into risky SMEs from (or led by) selected investor partners.

In line with Innovate UK’s plan for action, the £80 million programme helps deliver towards several priority themes:

  • future economy: a new three-year programme has been developed with the scope focused on the future economy
  • growth at scale: the programme will be used to accelerate investment into innovative, high-growth-potential businesses
  • innovation ecosystem: we will leverage private investment to innovative businesses to provide capital for R&D and growth
  • equality, diversity and inclusion: we will support innovation and access to capital for businesses from under-represented groups

Opportunities, support and resources available


Investors can apply to become one of Innovate UK’s investor partners through an application process.

Applications can be made through the Innovation Funding Service.


We encourage micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to work with Innovate UK Business Growth (previously Innovate UK EDGE) before considering applying for a grant or engaging with investors. This will help you to find out if your business is suitable and ready to take on external investment.

The first stage in a grant application is for one of our investor partners to submit an expression of interest, where they will describe your proposed research and development (R&D) project, and set out their possible interest in making an investment.

As a result, SMEs must engage with our investor partners before considering applying for a grant. All our investor partners have produced a public summary that describes their firm, their investment areas of interest and the amounts that they typically invest. These summaries also set out how they wish to be contacted about the programme.

View the full list of investor partners.

Innovate UK Business Connect (previously Innovate UK KTN) is also developing an investor engagement programme to help in this process.

Businesses will be able to apply for grant funding through regular future economy investor partnership competitions. Applications in SME funding opportunity rounds can be made through the Innovation Funding Service. Each funding opportunity will describe the areas that are in scope and any areas of particular focus. These competitions may cover the full programme or may be specific to a particular area (for example, novel low emission food production systems).

Our funding opportunities may fund R&D projects that are classed as feasibility studies, industrial research or experimental development.

For feasibility studies and industrial research projects, the following intervention rates may apply:

  • up to 70% if you are a micro or small organisation
  • up to 60% if you are a medium-sized organisation

For experimental development projects that are nearer to market, the following intervention rates may apply:

  • up to 45% if you are a micro or small organisation
  • up to 35% if you are a medium-sized organisation

In order to receive grant funding for your project in the investor partnership programme you must also receive aligned investment from (or led by) one or more of our selected investor partners.

For feasibility studies and industrial research projects, the aligned investment must be at least the same amount as the grant commitment.

For experimental development projects, the aligned investment must be at least twice the amount of the grant commitment.

Past projects, outcomes and impact

Since the pilot launched in 2017, Innovate UK has run investor partnership programmes in the following areas:

  • health and life sciences
  • precision medicine
  • healthy ageing
  • transforming food production
  • transforming foundation industries
  • audience of the future
  • clean growth innovation fund
  • quantum technologies

Across our investor partnership programmes between 2017 and September 2024:

  • Innovate UK has awarded £139 million in grant funding to 349 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • 86 investor partners have made or led £379 million in aligned equity investment into those SMEs
  • £851 million in subsequent additional follow-on investment from investor partners or other investors has been raised by SMEs involved in these programmes

An interim evaluation of the initial pilot programme, carried out by independent consultants SQW, confirmed that overall, the pilot played a fundamental role in enabling or accelerating early stage, very technical R&D which was deemed too risky or early stage for private investment alone.

The pilot has accelerated access to finance, with a direct impact on projects’ technological progression and on the businesses’ development.

Who to contact

Customer support service


Phone: 0300 321 4357

Governance, management and panels

Investor partners are chosen, following an application process, by an expert investor selection panel from Innovate UK and UKRI, with independent sector expertise when required.

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may be offered grant funding for their research and development project, following an application and independent assessment process.

SMEs must receive investment from (or led by) one or more investor partners to align with the grant funding offer to start their project.

Last updated: 28 February 2025

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