Research England funding allocations from 2021 to 2022


Individualised student data to inform funding allocations 2021 to 2022

Research England uses individualised student data, submitted by providers to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), to inform funding allocations and produce data summaries.

QR RDP supervision fund data summary

As part of an exercise known as the ‘post-collection output’ we provide data underpinning the quality-related research (QR) research degree programme (RDP) supervision fund allocations.

This information assists providers with understanding of how their 2019-20 HESA data has been used to inform the 2021 to 2022 funding allocations.

The outputs are not in the public domain due to the sensitivity of the data, but were made available directly to institutions from November 2021.

See the QR RDP supervision fund data summary supporting information, aimed at readers with an in-depth knowledge of the data. This supporting information includes:

  • QR RDP supervision fund data summary: Technical document
  • QR RDP supervision fund data summary: Detailed method document

See how we fund higher education providers for a description of the funding method for QR RDP supervision funding.

Last updated: 27 September 2024

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