What MRC has funded

award rate
£299 million

Explore more 2022 to 2023 MRC funding data on Tableau.

Board and panel outcomes

Find out how an MRC grant application did compared with other applications assessed at the same board or panel meeting.

Competitive funding decisions

Funding decisions are now reported centrally. View funding decision data for all councils from 2015 onwards.

Find information about MRC funding decisions made in 2017-18 on the UK Government Web Archive.

Find information about MRC funding decisions made from 2011 to 2017 on the UK Government Web Archive.

Before 2018, MRC called this information success rates.

Awarded grants and fellowships

Download a spreadsheet of grants and fellowships made by MRC from April 2006 to December 2019 from the UK Government Web Archive. Includes information about the scheme and opportunity together with summaries, principal investigators and organisations.

Last updated: 29 October 2024

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