What Innovate UK has funded

Innovate UK funding 2022 to 2023

award rate
£1161 million

Since our formation in 2007, we’ve:

  • developed, delivered and retired different ways of supporting UK businesses to innovate
  • delivered innovation support on behalf of other government departments and large innovation infrastructure assets like Catapult Centres.

These changes to how we fund innovation can make analysis challenging.

Read our thoughts on finding the true value of innovation.

Find out more about our impact management framework on Innovate UK Business Connect.

Innovate UK funding from 2004

All Innovate UK funded projects from 2004.

Funded projects data, previously known as competition winners, are also available by year on the UK Government Web Archive.

Innovate UK funding competition winners 2021 on the UK Government Web Archive
Innovate UK funding competition winners 2020 on the UK Government Web Archive
Innovate UK funding competition winners 2019 on the UK Government Web Archive
Innovate UK funding competition winners 2018 on the UK Government Web Archive
Innovate UK funding competition winners 2017 on the UK Government Web Archive
Innovate UK funding competition winners 2016 on the UK Government Web Archive
Innovate UK funding competition winners 2013 on the UK Government Web Archive

Further details about awarded projects are published on Gateway to Research once the project has started.

Last updated: 16 August 2024

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