Funding uses Résumé Resources Library: equality impact assessments (EIAs)

Funding uses Résumé Resources Library: guidance for completing EIA

This document provides guidance for completing a UKRI Equality Impact Assessment (EIA). In addition, an EIA template containing prompts/potential considerations for Résumé for Research and Innovation (R4RI)-like narrative CV Applicant Guidance informed by members of the Joint Funders Group.

Download the EIA completion guidance

EIA template and guidance for narrative CV reviewer guidance

Equality Impact Assessment guidance, template and considerations for Résumé for Researchers (R4R)-like narrative CV reviewer guidance.

Download the EIA narrative CV reviewer guidance

EIA template and guidance for narrative CV template

Equality Impact Assessment guidance, template and considerations for Résumé for Researchers (R4R)-like narrative CV template.

Download the EIA narrative CV template

Last updated: 23 June 2023

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