Developing a Good Practice Exchange for research culture 

There is a broad range of research culture activity occurring across the research and innovation sector. The goal of the Good Practice Exchange (GPEx) will be to harness and consolidate these existing activities, for the benefit of researchers, research itself, and society.

The GPEx was proposed in the 2021 Research and Development People and Culture Strategy (GOV.UK) and further developed in the ‘Research culture initiatives’ report. It will facilitate joint activity and scaling-up of good practice, bringing together people from across the full breadth of UK research and innovation disciplines and sectors.

Developing the exchange

From 2022 to 2023 engagement events with internal and external audiences were held to further the scope of GPEx.

The report Research culture initiatives in the UK was published in January 2024, which:

  • scoped the research culture landscape
  • proposed a Research Culture Framework
  • identified opportunities and key considerations for the GPEx

From this report and the underlying engagement with stakeholders, we identified three overarching objectives for the GPEx:

  1. Building networks, sharing and collaboration: providing a route for people across the sector to come together, sharing good practice and encouraging collaboration.
  2. Supporting more and better evaluation: responding to the need for more research culture initiatives to be evaluated, using more robust approaches, to build understanding of what works.
  3. Strengthening strategic leadership.

Next steps for development

A model for delivering the GPEx objectives will be developed and tested with a wide breadth of stakeholders, to ensure it best meets their needs.

The model would identify things like key deliverables, timelines, and a costings model.

Read more about the project on GOV.UK Contracts Finder (see request for proposal document in tender pack under ‘More information’).

Input from the research and innovation communities

The input to date of research and innovation communities has been integral to the scoping of the GPEx, and has ensured that the GPEx will be rooted in the core needs of the community.

Ongoing engagement with our audiences and partners is fundamental to the successful development of the GPEx, and will be a core aspect of work on the delivery model.

Please share details of the GPEx with interested stakeholders. Note that this activity will proceed in line with future budget allocations.

Last updated: 16 December 2024

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