Equality, diversity and inclusion – ESRC


ESRC activities for equality, diversity and inclusion

As part of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in ESRC we are piloting a range of activities both within our community and workforce.

EDI in our community

ADR-UK pilot mentoring scheme

As part of our commitment to EDI, ADR UK and ESRC are piloting a mentoring scheme for applicants to their research fellowship funding opportunities. The scheme aims to pair up potential applicants with mentors who will guide them and help develop their administrative data skills.

This funding opportunity is due to open for applications in July 2023.

Read more about the ADR-UK pilot mentoring scheme.

Summer Research Experience Placement scheme

ESRC wants to encourage and support students from diverse backgrounds to move into postgraduate training and careers in research. We are therefore piloting a summer Research Experience Placements (REP) scheme for undergraduates from under-represented groups to experience postgraduate research in the social sciences.

We are funding 38 placements over the next two years. Placements will give the undergraduates a first-hand opportunity to undertake a research project supported by researchers and to receive information on graduate study.

Our intention is that everyone who takes part will gain benefits in terms of confidence, skills and experience that will enhance both their CV and any future postgraduate applications.

Read more about the Summer Research Experience Placements pilot scheme

EDI in our organisation

Review of our peer review process

We will review and refresh our approach to peer review to reduce bias and increase diversity including:

  • guidance for managers in panel meetings
  • guidance for panel members
  • training for peer reviewers, panel members and staff
  • guidance on language used in across peer review

EDI working group

We will refresh the ESRC EDI working group to cover the ESRC remit and ensure diversity of thought. The role of the working group will be to provide long-term support for ESRC as a funder and an employer. We will also:

  • link ESRC and wider UKRI EDI work
  • horizon-scan for potential impacts to EDI
  • input into strategies, action plans and other portfolio work
  • act as a sounding-board for EDI work
  • provide updates to EDI work outside of ESRC, sharing best practice and news

EDI Staff Consultation Forum

Starting in early 2023, the ESRC EDI team will invite members from across ESRC to take part in a quarterly EDI Staff Consultation Forum. Through this channel we will invite any questions regarding EDI, share best practice and knowledge, and highlight work being done both within and beyond our organisation. This work forms part of our commitment to EDI through our action plan.

Last updated: 23 June 2023

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