Equality, diversity and inclusion – ESRC


ESRC activities for equality, diversity and inclusion

As part of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in ESRC we are piloting a range of activities both within our community and workforce.

EDI in our community

Innovation and Research Caucus

The caucus is accelerating the generation of evidence around supporting diversity in UKRI’s innovation funding support. For example, one project has worked to understand the success rates of applicants to Innovate UK’s funding opportunities by gender, ethnicity and education. In the absence of self-reported data, the study adopted an experimental approach using machine learning to identified the perceived gender, ethnicity and education of applicants.

See: Who are the Innovators? An Analysis Of Innovate UK Applicants and Beneficiaries – Innovation Research Caucus

Email: alexandra.hughesjohnson@esrc.ukri.org

Metascience Unit

ESRC co-hosts the £10 million metascience programme with Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. The purpose of the programme is accelerate the generation of evidence on more effective ways of conducting and supporting research and innovation. The unit is designing and running experiments that test the effectiveness of research funding processes, overseeing metascience grants programmes, and disseminating metascience findings and insights.

The unit now has experiments underway that test approaches to improving diversity and reducing bias in assessment processes. This includes experiments in anonymising applications for peer review.

The unit’s first grant programme invited applications in areas such as the impacts of different methods of peer review and different modes of funding on the distribution of research funds and career outcomes. We are still wrapping up the funding round, but I’m pretty definite there will be EDI focused grants supported.

Email: suzie.wallace@esrc.ukri.org

EDI in our organisation

Review of our peer review process

We will review and refresh our approach to peer review to reduce bias and increase diversity including:

  • guidance for managers in panel meetings
  • guidance for panel members
  • training for peer reviewers, panel members and staff
  • guidance on language used in across peer review

EDI management group

We have created the ESRC EDI management group to provide long-term support for ESRC as a funder and an employer. We will also:

  • link ESRC and wider UKRI EDI work
  • horizon-scan for potential impacts to EDI
  • input into strategies, action plans and other portfolio work
  • act as a sounding-board for EDI work
  • provide updates to EDI work outside of ESRC, sharing best practice and news

Last updated: 20 February 2025

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