Equality, diversity and inclusion – ESRC


EDI Caucus

As major public funders of research and innovation (R&I), UKRI’s research councils, Innovate UK, and the British Academy have a responsibility to ensure a thriving and diverse R&I system, now and in the future.

ESRC, AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, Innovate UK and the British Academy have jointly provided £3.4 million to fund the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Caucus.

EDICa’s (EDI Caucus) work will encompass all facets of the R&I sector, spanning humanities and science, business, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects.

The EDICa will provide high-quality research evidence on EDI that informs policy and practice in the R&I system.

Professor Kate Sang of the Heriot-Watt University Business School leads the multidisciplinary EDICa team. Their funding started in January 2023 and will continue until January 2026.

There are three EDICa workstreams:

Workstream one: career lifecycle

Identifying relationships between key career and life events and their mutual impacts, making recommendations for reducing barriers to inclusion across the career

Workstream two: research process

Determining how EDI can be embedded in the research process and impact those career-defining decisions, like funding and publications. What works, in what context, and why?

Workstream three: organisation of work

Identifying how work can be organised in a variety of research workplaces to create enabling workspaces.

As part of the EDICa £1 million ‘flexible fund’, each workstream will have one funding opportunity per year from 2023 to 2025 to support a number of projects.

Contact the EDICa team

EDICa website

Email: edicaucus@hw.ac.uk

Twitter: @edi_caucus

Last updated: 13 March 2025

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