Diversity data


Detailed ethnicity data

Find detailed data on the ethnicity category of UKRI funding applicants and recipients between financial years 2014-15 and 2018-19.


This data set allows for analysis of variation between specific ethnic minority categories. It combines data from all seven research councils.

The ethnic groups data set includes data for:

  • principal investigator and co-investigator grant applicants and recipients
  • fellowship applicants and awardees
  • PhD studentship starts.

The detailed ethnicity categories data set includes data for:

  • principal investigator and co-investigator grant applicants and recipients
  • PhD studentship starts.

The data set does not include:

  • data for individual councils
  • data for fellowships by detailed ethnicity category.

In both cases, the number of people in the applicant and awardee groups becomes small when further segmented by detailed ethnic minority categories.

We publish this data once a year. Data is available from the financial year 2014-15 to financial year 2018-19.

Discuss this data

Email: equality@ukri.org

Last updated: 7 December 2023

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