Working with business – EPSRC


Peer Review College

Our Peer Review College assists us by providing expert, independent, informed comments on research proposals submitted to EPSRC for consideration for funding. Its members also assist us by sitting on our peer review panels.

We wish the college to be representative of the whole of our research base, including Business. The College currently consists of around 4,000 independent experts.

By becoming a business member of the college you will be providing a valuable service to the research councils and EPSRC. In addition you will see research proposals under consideration at panels; these are of course confidential but will provide you with an insight into the process of peer review which can be of great assistance when working with academics to co-create your own proposals to EPSRC.

Business involvement in the college is vital for a robust peer review process.

Find out more by visiting our college pages or emailing the peer review team at

Last updated: 27 July 2023

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