Search the funding finder for opportunities and grants, where you can request funding for public engagement.
Current and previous funding opportunities include:
- Engaged Environmental Science (2023): exemplar projects that demonstrate excellence in engaged environmental science research through equitable public partnerships
- Growing Shoots (2023): Growing Shoots provides seed funding for potential leaders in public engagement with environmental science research to explore and trial approaches to partnerships which are required for engaged research, with the following aims:
- create or develop relevant, sustainable, and equitable research partnerships and research strategies between members of the public or public intermediaries and research and researchers
- test the feasibility of the partnership
- facilitate co-creation and submission of a full research application to another UKRI funding opportunity with partners. It is expected that some Growing Shoots projects will go onto deliver full engaged research projects which deliver:
- environmental science research responding to both scientific and public needs
- equitable public partnerships
- leaders in engaged research
- Growing Roots 3 (2023), Growing Roots 2 (2022) and Growing Roots 1 (2021): explore, and trial approaches for engaging the public with environmental science
- Creative Climate Connections (2021): collaborative public engagement partnerships to engage members of the public with climate change research and related societal issues
- Wales collaborative research grants (2020)
- COVID-19 public engagement grants (2020): public engagement with environmental science which understand, address or mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak
- Engaging Environments 2 (2019): environmental science collaborative research project(s) for researchers working in, on or with Wales
- Embedding engagement (with the PE strategy) (2019): small projects which will demonstrate how the NERC public engagement with research strategy aligns with activity that our community and institutions are, and plan to be, delivering
- Engaging Environments 1 (2017): build consortia and capacity in public engagement with environmental research across the UK
- Engaging the UK public with the big issues of environmental science (2016): engage the UK public with environmental science around challenging issues