ODA review


Virement guidance and template for ODA award holders

UKRI recognises the pressures placed on grant holders as a direct result of the challenges associated with the significant reduction in Official Development Assistance (ODA) allocations for the 2021 to 2022 financial year.

In order to support our research community as best we can, all virement restrictions for grants funded through the Global Challenges Research Fund and Newton Fund are lifted.

The intention is that this will allow grants the additional flexibility needed to, as far as possible, effectively engage their partners and deliver meaningful and valuable outcomes.

In all cases all affected partners, including in-country partners, should be consulted before virements are made.

Please note this guidance refers to virements at the grant level and that the greater flexibility only applies to:

This does not represent a change in our terms and conditions and non-standard virements on any other grants other than those listed above will not be permitted.

Further details on the approach and reporting requirements for standard and non-standard virements are outlined in the guidance document (PDF, 141KB).

When reporting, details of all non-standard virements must be provided in a supplementary template (Excel, 22KB) submitted along with the FES.

All grants impacted by the ODA review must include a supplementary template (Excel, 22KB) as part of the FES submission. If no non-standard virements were used please enter ‘no non-standard virements to declare’ in the template.

Je-S and Gateway to Research

Updated grant profiles have been recorded against all grants impacted by the ODA review, but these changes will not translate to the Je-S system or Gateway to Research.

The figures on Je-S are the amounts originally awarded and not the agreed reduced figure.

The correct figures can be found in the templates (annex one to the ODA review outcome letters) issued in June 2021 to research organisations and held by the local research office (or equivalent).

Last updated: 24 June 2022

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