UKRI Research Organisation Consultation Group

The UKRI Research Organisation Consultation Group (ROCG) was established in 2004 and has an important role in supporting dialogue between UKRI and the research and innovation community. It provides a powerful tool for us to collectively achieve UKRI’s vision for an outstanding research and innovation system in the UK.

The group provides an initial sounding board before the wider research organisation community is engaged. It acts as a conduit to engage the broader community. ROCG does not have decision-making power, but is an invaluable consultation source.


ROCG’s objectives are to:

  • provide UKRI with confidential advice from a research and innovation management and user perspective
  • act as a sounding board for UKRI to develop effective strategy, policy and process
  • support UKRI in maximising the benefits of any proposed changes and advise of possible unintended consequences
  • raise awareness of issues within the sector to UKRI, to inform the evolution of policy and process
  • engage the wider research and innovation community to ensure that UKRI considers the regional impact of its strategy, policy and process
  • promote effective two-way communication between research organisations and UKRI, including acting as a conduit for information
  • encourage the further development of excellent working practices within research organisations
  • support UKRI to continue to develop as an outstanding organisation

ROCG membership

ROCG is co-chaired by the Associate Director of UKRI Funding Policy, Ruth Williams, alongside one of the external group members, currently Yvonne Fox, Associate Director of Research Services in the Research and Enterprise Services Division at Lancaster University.

UKRI runs a recruitment exercise for new members every two years, with membership terms lasting up to four years, although some terms may be shorter than this to enable a rolling renewal of the membership every two years. The work of the group is carried out by correspondence and through three meetings per year.

ROCG membership is held by the individual and not their organisation, but ROCG aims to achieve a balanced membership across regions and type of research organisation.
The Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) is formally represented on the group and provides a direct route to sector-wide research management consultation.

Members are not paid, but have their travel and subsistence reimbursed.

Current members

ROCG members currently include:

  • Yvonne Fox, Associate Director of Research Services, Lancaster University (co-chair)
  • Ruth Williams, Associate Director of UKRI Funding Policy, UKRI (co-chair)
  • Amer Alwarea, Head of Innovation, University for the Creative Arts
  • Carlos Galan-Diaz, Deputy Director of Research and Innovation Services, University of St Andrews
  • Ian McArdle, Head of Research Systems and Information, Imperial College London
  • Jack Harrington, Head of Research Partnerships, Chatham House
  • Jennifer Jennings, Associate Director, Research Development, University of Bristol
  • Jo Dekkers, Head of Research Operations, University of Cambridge
  • Jo Gascoigne-Owens, Head of Research Funding Development, Newcastle University
  • Linsey Dickson, Head of Research Development & Performance, University of Stirling
  • Louise Barton, Head of Science Administration, The Pirbright Institute
  • Mani Narayanan, Head of Research Development, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Navdeep Bains, Director of Research and Impact Services, The University of Warwick
  • Rick Lewis, Programme Manager for Science Funding, RSPB
  • Sally Puzey, Director of Research Services, Coventry University
  • Ushma Gudka, Head of Post Award, ARMA
  • Stephanie Maloney, Head of Research & Industrial Partnerships, University of Lincoln

The next call for membership is likely to take place in early 2025.

Ask a question about ROCG

To contact ROCG, please email:

Last updated: 24 September 2024

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