Policy internships

STFC participates in the Research Councils Policy Internships scheme, a programme in which STFC-funded PhD students are given the opportunity to spend three months working in parliament or government. Opportunities are available with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) or the Government Office for Science (GO Science).

Applications for the 2021/2022 scheme are now closed.

The scheme presents a unique opportunity for PhD students to gain an insight into the political process. Fellows learn how policy is developed, interact with policymakers and develop the skills needed to communicate effectively with non-academic audiences.

Successful applicants will receive a three-month extension to their STFC PhD status as well as their stipend. Interns based at non-London institutions will receive an additional sum to cover the costs of relocating to London for three months. Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, remote working for at least part of the internship may be necessary.


POST is an independent office of the Houses of Parliament whose role is to provide clear, expert, impartial advice on science to MPs and peers. Its goal is to keep them up to date on current scientific issues and allow them to make informed decisions. Fellows either work on a POSTnote or research project, or provide specialist advice to a Parliamentary Select Committee or the House of Commons Library.

GO Science

GO Science looks to ensure that government policies and decisions are informed by the best scientific evidence and strategic long-term thinking. Placements are likely to involve undertaking research, drafting briefing notes and background papers, and organising workshops and meetings. They will offer opportunities to work with a number of different teams and across a wide range of science and technology policy topics in GO Science.

How to apply

Applications for the 2021/2022 scheme are now closed.

The closing date is 4 October 2021 at 4:00pm.

Case studies

You can case studies on the POST website.

Further information

You can find out more from the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology and the Government Office for Science.

Contact us

You can find out more about policy internships.

Natalie Bealing
Email: natalie.bealing@stfc.ukri.org
Telephone: 01235 445484

Last updated: 18 December 2023

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