MRC studentships


How MRC funds studentships

MRC funds an array of studentships, which must be administered in line with the UKRI terms and conditions of training grants and associated guidance. Research organisations should also abide by UKRI’s statement of expectation for postgraduate training.

Doctoral training partnerships (DTPs)

MRC’s DTPs provide funding for doctoral training across a broad research range relevant to MRC’s remit, strategic research and skills priorities.

Read about MRC DTP and iCASE allocations for intake years 2022 to 2026 and information about the MRC DTP supplement.

MRC industrial Collaborative Awards in Science and Engineering (iCASE) studentships

MRC’s iCASE awards provide students with experience of collaborative research with a non‐academic partner. They also:

  • strengthen and develop collaboration and partnerships between ROs and non‐academic partner organisations
  • offer outstanding students an experience of at least two distinct research cultures
  • provide access to a wider-than-usual range of technology, facilities and expertise
  • enable the student to spend a period of time with the non-academic partner (usually no less than three months over the lifetime of the PhD).

Industrial collaborations and experience of working with industry is important to MRC’s strategy to support a highly skilled research base and encourage mobility between sectors.

The iCASE awards were awarded as a separate competition but are now part of the MRC DTP competition. All MRC studentships can be converted to an iCASE studentship. See the MRC’s DTP guidance for instructions on how to do so.

If you have a question about MRC iCASE studentships please email

Integrative toxicology training partnership

Studentships through the integrative toxicology training partnership (ITTP) are administered and funded through the MRC toxicology unit with the aim of training the next generation of toxicologists.

Read more about these studentships on the ITTP website.

Clinical research training fellowships (CRTFs)

This funding opportunity supports medically or clinically active professionals within the UK to undertake a higher research degree. Read more about CRTFs in the overview of MRC fellowships or find out more about specific CRTF opportunities on the UKRI funding finder.

Disabled students’ allowance

Students who have a disability, mental health problem or specific learning difficulty may be entitled to a Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) on top of their studentship. Read about the DSA and download claims forms in UKRI’s guidance on how to get a studentship to fund your doctorate.

Last updated: 7 June 2023

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