Funding for biomedical research and innovation


Research and project grants

Funding for short and long-term research projects.

Funding options available

Alzheimer’s Research UK: Major projects
The major project grant scheme provides funds for high quality research projects.
Funding: Salaries (research, technical, students etc.), equipment, animal costs and running costs (consumables, travel etc.)
Duration: Up to five years

Alzheimer’s Society: Care, implementation and public health research funding stream
This funding is for applicants to move dementia care, services and public health research into practice.
Funding: £400,000
Duration: Three years

Alzheimer’s Society: Biomedical funding stream
These grants enable research into the cause, care or prevention of dementia.
Funding: Up to £400,000
Duration: Three years

British Heart Foundation: Project grants
For short-term research projects.
Career stage: Postdoctoral researcher (as main applicant or co-applicant)
Funding: Up to £350,000 for salary, staff salary, consumables, equipment
Duration: Up to three years

Cancer Research UK: Cancer immunology project awards
For immunologists in non-cancer fields wanting to undertake cancer-relevant research.
Career stage: Established immunologists with no track record in cancer research
Funding: Research staff, consumables, equipment
Duration: Three years

Cancer Research UK: Multidisciplinary project awards
Supports collaborations between cancer researchers and scientists from engineering/physical science disciplines.
Career stage: Two principal investigators are required – a cancer biologist and a physical sciences researcher
Funding: Research staff, consumables, equipment
Duration: Three years

Cancer Research UK: Pioneer awards
Funding for innovative ideas from any discipline that could be ground-breaking in tackling cancer. Career stage: Researchers from any discipline, regardless of background or vocation
Funding: Research staff, consumables, equipment
Duration: Two years

MRC: Research grants
Suitable for short or long-term focused research projects. MRC research grants can be used to support method development or development and continuation of research facilities and may involve more than one research group or institution.
Career stage: Lead applicant must be based at an eligible institution.
Funding: Salary, research staff, consumables, equipment.
Duration: Usually three years

MRC: Strategic
Funding opportunities in a specific research area defined by MRC, usually for a one-off funding opportunity or a time-limited period. Proposals may have special application and review mechanisms.
Career stage: Lead applicant must be based at an eligible UK institution.
Funding: See individual scheme
Duration: See individual scheme

National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research: Project grants
A research project which supports the development of new 3Rs approaches and technologies.
Funding: Typically around £350,000
Duration: Up to 36 months

National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research: Strategic awards
Targeted funding focusing on a specific area or technology with 3Rs importance
Funding: Typical budget of £500,000 per funding opportunity
Duration: Up to 36 months

National Institute for Health Research: Research programmes
A range of programmes addressing a broad range of health priorities.
Funding: See individual programmes for specifics.
Duration: See individual programmes for specifics.

Last updated: 28 July 2023

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