Funding for biomedical research and innovation


PhD studentships and doctoral fellowships

A PhD is a postgraduate research degree, usually lasting three or four years, if undertaken full time. It involves independently conducting original and significant research in a specific field and is normally assessed by a written thesis and oral examination.

Funding options available

Alzheimer’s Research UK: PhD scholarships
Funding to undertake a PhD involving biomedical research in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Applications are made by the prospective supervisor.
Funding: Stipend plus tuition fees and research/travel costs
Duration: 36 months

Alzheimer’s Society: PhD studentships
Funding to undertake a PhD involving biomedical research in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Applications are made by the prospective supervisor.
Funding: Up to £85,000 (£91,000 for London)
Duration: Three years

British Heart Foundation: Non-clinical PhD studentships
Funding to undertake a PhD in cardiovascular science. Applications are made by the prospective supervisor.
Funding: Stipend, tuition fees, consumables
Duration: Three years

British Heart Foundation: Four-year PhD programme
Funding for research organisations to provide a PhD studentship programme in cardiovascular research.
Career stage: Prospective students should apply to individual research institutions
Funding: Student stipend, tuition fees, research consumables
Duration: Four years

MRC: Studentships
Find out more about how MRC funds and supports PhD students at universities and MRC units, institutes and centres.

National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research: PhD studentships
Funding to undertake a PhD studentship relevant to any area of medical, biological or veterinary research which supports the development and application of the 3Rs.
Funding: Cash-limited award of £30,000 pa (£90,000 total over three years)
Duration: 36 months

National Institute for Health Research: Doctoral fellowships
Funding to undertake a PhD in an area of NIHR research.
Funding: Fully funded including current salary
Duration: 36 months with p/t options

Last updated: 6 July 2022

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