Funding for biomedical research and innovation


Bursaries and master’s courses

Bursaries are financial support for education fees. A master’s is a postgraduate degree, usually lasting one to two years if studied full-time. Courses combine taught and research elements, focusing on a particular area of interest in more detail.

Funding options available

Alzheimer’s Society: Undergraduate research bursaries
These are bursaries to give experience of research within the field of dementia to undergraduates.

Career stage: Middle year of degree (second of three years, or second or third of four years)
Funding: £200 stipend per week plus £500 expenses
Duration: Eight weeks

National Institute for Health Research: Predoctoral Fellowships
These offer support for starting or advancing a career in health research methodology, enabling applicants to either undertake a masters degree or gain additional support and training.

Career stage: Masters level
Funding: See individual scheme for specifics.
Duration: See individual scheme for specifics.

Last updated: 5 July 2022

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